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Tambours De La Terre 1: Afrique - Amérique = Drums Of The Earth 1: Africa - America

By Various


  1. Cote D'Ivoire = Ivory Coast - L'art Du Djembé = Art Of The Djembé
  2. Danssa: Rythme Malinké = Malinké Rhythm
  3. Ghana - Maîtres Tambourinaires = Master Drummers
  4. Fume Fume: Danse De Fertilité = Fertility Dance
  5. Odono: Tambour Parlant = Talking Drum
  6. Kpanlogo: Danse Récréative = Recreational Dance
  7. Senegal - Percussions Traditionnelles Wolof = Traditional Wolof Percussions
  8. Taggu Mbar: Rythme D'appel Wolof = Rhythmic Call Of The Wolof
  9. Mbabass: Danse De Fête = Festival Dance
  10. Maroc = Morocco - Tambours Rituels D'Asilah = Ritual Drums Of Asilah
  11. Jilali
  12. Hamouda
  13. Hadra (1ère Partie = Part 1)
  14. Hadra (2ème Partie = Part 2)
  15. Surinam - Musique De Danse Afro-surinamese = Afro-Surinamese Dance Music
  16. Dasi Anana Keduaman Keduampon: Rythme Kromanti = Kromanti Rhythm
  17. Adja Vodu Do Sengwa: Rythme Vodu = Vodu Rhythm (1ère Partie = Part 1)
  18. Adja Vodu Do Sengwa: Rythme Vodu = Vodu Rhythm (2ème Partie = Part 2)
  19. Guyane = Guyana - Musique De Funérailles = Funerary Music
  20. Mato: Chant Légendaire = Sung Legend
  21. Songè: Danse De Funérailles = Funerary Dance
  22. Cuba - Musique De Danse Afro-cubaine = Afro-Cuban Dance Music
  23. Patato's Guaguanco: Danse Populaire = Popular Dance