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Theodora HWV 68

By Georg Friedrich Händel, Johannette Zomer, Sytse Buwalda, Helena Rasker, Knut Schoch, Tom Sol, Kölner Kammerchor, Collegium Cartusianum, and Peter Neumann (2)


  1. Theodora, Oratorio In 3 Parts, HWV 68
  2. Act One
  3. Overtura: [Adagio] - Allegro
  4. Overtura: Trio. Larghetto Piano
  5. Overtura: Courante
  6. Recitative (Valens): 'Tis Dioclesian's Natal Day
  7. Air (Valens): Go, My Faithful Soldier, Go
  8. Chorus Of Heathens: And Draw A Blessing Down
  9. Recitative (Didymus, Valens): Vouchsafe, Dread Sir, A Gracious Ear
  10. Air (Valens): Racks, Gibbets, Sword, And Fire
  11. Chorus Of Heathens: For Ever Thus Stands Fix'd The Doom
  12. Recitative (Didymus): Most Cruel Edict!
  13. Air (Didymus): The Raptur'd Soul Defies The Sword
  14. Recitative (Septimius): I Know Thy Virtues
  15. Air (Septimius): Descend, Kind Pity, Heavenly Guest
  16. Recitative (Theodora): Tho' Hard, My Friends
  17. Air (Theodora): Fond, Flatt'ring World; Adieu!
  18. Recitative (Irene): O Bright Example Of All Goodness!
  19. Air (Irene): Bane Of Virtue, Nurse Of Passions
  20. Chorus Of Christians: Come, Mighty Father, Mighty Lord
  21. Recitative (Messenger, Irene): Fly, Fly, My Brethren
  22. Air (Irene): As With Rosy Steps The Morn
  23. Chorus Of Christians: All Pow'r In Heaven Above
  24. Recitative (Septimius, Theodora): Mistaken Wretches!
  25. Air (Theodora): Angels, Ever Bright And Fair
  26. Recitative (Didymus, Irene): Unhappy, Happy Crew!
  27. Air (Didymus): Kind Heav'n, Ih Virtue Be Thy Care
  28. Recitative (Irene): O Love: How Great Thy Pow'r!
  29. Chorus Of Christians: Go, Gen'rous, Pious Youth
  30. Act Two
  31. Recitative (Valens): Ye Men Of Antioch, With Solemn Pomp
  32. Chorus Of Heathens: Queen Of Summer, Queen Of Love
  33. Air (Valens): Wide Spread His Name
  34. Recitative (Valens): Return, Septimius
  35. Chorus Of Heathens: Venus Laughing From The Skies
  36. Sinfonia
  37. Recitative (Theodora): Thou Bright Sun!
  38. Air (Theodora): With Darkness, Deep As Is My Woe
  39. Sinfonia
  40. Recitative (Theodora): But Why Art Thou Disquieted
  41. Air (Theodora): Oh! That I On Wings Could Rise
  42. Recitative (Didymus, Septimius): Long Have I Known Thy Friendly Social Soul
  43. Air (Septimius): Tho The Honours
  44. Recitative (Didymus, Septimius): O Save Her Then
  45. Air (Didymus): Deeds Of Kindness To Display
  46. Recitative (Irene): The Clouds Begin To Veil The Hemisphere
  47. Air (Irene): Defend Her, Heav'n
  48. Recitative (Didymus): Or Lull'd With Grief
  49. Air (Didymus): Sweet Rose, And Lilly, Flow'ry Form
  50. Recitative (Theodora, Didymus): O Save Me, Heav'n
  51. Air (Theodora, Didymus): The Pilgrim's Home, The Sick Man's Health
  52. Recitative (Theodora, Didymus): Forbid It, Heav'n!
  53. Duet (Theodora, Didymus): To Thee, Thou Glorious Son Of Worth
  54. Recitative (Irene): 'Tis Night, But Night's Sweet Blessing
  55. Chorus Of Christians: He Saw The Lovely Youth
  56. Act Three
  57. Air (Irene): Lord, To Thee Each Night And Day
  58. Recitative (Irene, Theodora): But See! The Good, The Virtuous Didymus!
  59. Air (Theodora): When Sunk In Anguish And Despair
  60. Chorus Of Christians, Theodora: Blest Be The Hand, And Blest The Pow'r
  61. Recitative (Messenger, Irene, Theodora): Undaunted In The Court Stands Didymus
  62. Duet (Irene, Theodora): Whither, Princess, Do You Fly
  63. Recitative (Irene): She's Gone, Disdaining Liberty And Life
  64. Air (Irene): New Scenes Of Joy Come Crowding On
  65. Recitative (Valens, Didymus, Theodora, Septimius): Is It A Christian Virtue Then
  66. Air (Septimius): From Virtue Springs Each Gen'rous Deed
  67. Air (Valens): Cease, Ye Slaves, Your Fruitless Pray'r
  68. Recitative (Didymus, Theodora): 'Tis Kind, My Friends
  69. Chorus Of Heathens: How Strange Their Ends
  70. Recitative (Didymus, Theodora, Valens): On Me Your Frown, Your Utmost Rage Exert
  71. Air (Valens): Ye Ministers Of Justice
  72. Recitative (Didimus, Theodora, Septimius): And Must Such Beauty Suffer?
  73. Air (Didymus): Streams Of Pleasure Ever Flowing
  74. Duet (Theodora, Didymus): Thither Let Our Hearts Aspire
  75. Recitative (Irene): E'er This, Their Doom Is Past
  76. Chorus Of Christians: O Love Divine, Thou Source Of Fame