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Poetry Speaks (Hear Great Poets Read Their Work From Tennyson To Plath)

By Various


  1. Introduction By Charles Osgood
  2. Alfred, Lord Tennyson
  3. From "The Bugle Song"
  4. From "The Charge Of The Light Brigade"
  5. Robert Browning
  6. How They Brought The Good News From Ghent To Aix I
  7. Walt Whitman
  8. From "America"
  9. William Butler Yeats
  10. Yeats On "The Lake Isle Of Innisfree"
  11. The Lake Isle Of Innisfree
  12. Coole Park And Ballylee, 1931
  13. Gertrude Stein
  14. Christian Berard
  15. She Bowed To Her Brother
  16. Robert Frost
  17. The Oven Bird
  18. The Road Not Taken
  19. Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening
  20. Nothing Gold Can Stay
  21. Silken Tent
  22. Carl Sandburg
  23. Grass
  24. Cool Tombs
  25. 107 From "The People, Yes"
  26. Wallace Stevens
  27. Fabliau Of Florida
  28. Bantams In Pine-Woods
  29. So-And-So Reclining On Her Couch
  30. Not Ideas About The Thing But The Thing Itself
  31. William Carlos Williams
  32. Queen-Anne's-Lace
  33. To Elsie
  34. The Red Wheelbarrow
  35. Ezra Pound
  36. Cantico Del Sole
  37. Hugh Selwyn Mauberley II, IV, And V
  38. XLV From "The Cantos"
  39. H.D.
  40. From "Helen In Egypt"
  41. Robinson Jeffers
  42. The Day Is A Poem (September 19, 1939)
  43. Oh, Lovely Rock
  44. John Crowe Ransom
  45. Captain Carpenter
  46. Bells For John Whiteside's Daughter
  47. T.S. Eliot
  48. The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock
  49. La Figlia Che Piange
  50. Edna St. Vincent Millay
  51. Recuerdo
  52. I Shall Forget You Presently My Dear
  53. Childhood Is The Kingdom Where Nobody Dies
  54. Dorothy Parker
  55. One Perfect Rose
  56. Résumé
  57. Afternoon
  58. E.E. Cummings
  59. Anyone Lived In A Pretty How Town
  60. As Freedom Is A Breakfastfood
  61. Louise Bogan
  62. The Dream
  63. Song For The Last Act
  64. Melvin B. Tolson
  65. An Ex-Judge At The Bar
  66. Dark Symphony V And VI
  67. Laura (Riding) Jackson
  68. Death As Death
  69. Nothing So Far
  70. Langston Hughes
  71. The Negro Speaks Of Rivers
  72. Mother To Son
  73. The Weary Blues
  74. Harlem [2]
  75. Ogden Nash
  76. I Do, I Will, I Have
  77. I Must Tell You About My Novel
  78. W.H. Auden
  79. In Memory Of W.B. Yeats
  80. Musée Des Beaux Arts
  81. If I Could Tell You
  82. Louis MacNeice
  83. Conversation
  84. Meeting Point
  85. Theodore Roethke
  86. My Papa's Waltz
  87. The Waking
  88. I Knew A Woman
  89. Elizabeth Bishop
  90. The Fish
  91. From "Crusoe In England"
  92. Robert Hayden
  93. Those Winter Sundays
  94. El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz (Malcolm X)
  95. Muriel Rukeyser
  96. Night Feeding
  97. The Poem As Mask
  98. Waiting For Icarus
  99. William Stafford
  100. The Star In The Hills
  101. Traveling Through The Dark
  102. Randall Jarrell
  103. The Death Of The Ball Turret Gunner
  104. Seele Im Raum
  105. John Berryman
  106. The Ball Poem
  107. 4 From "The Dream Songs"
  108. 22 From "The Dream Songs"
  109. Dylan Thomas
  110. Fern Hill
  111. Among Those Killed In The Dawn Raid Was A Man Aged A Hundred
  112. Robert Lowell
  113. Skunk Hour
  114. Home After Three Months Away
  115. Gwendolyn Brooks
  116. A Song In The Front Yard
  117. Kitchenette Building
  118. We Real Cool
  119. Robert Duncan
  120. Poetry, A Natural Thing
  121. Often I Am Permitted To Return To A Meadow
  122. Philip Larkin
  123. Places, Loved Ones
  124. Old Fools
  125. Denise Levertov
  126. The Secret
  127. Her Sadness
  128. Allen Ginsberg
  129. From "Howl"
  130. A Supermarket In California
  131. Frank O'Hara
  132. Ave Maria
  133. Poem (Lana Turner Has Collapsed!)
  134. Anne Sexton
  135. The Truth The Dead Know
  136. The Operation
  137. Etheridge Knight
  138. The Idea Of Ancestry
  139. Belly Song
  140. Sylvia Plath
  141. Daddy
  142. Lady Lazarus