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My Ladye Nevells Booke

By William Byrd, and Pieter-Jan Belder


  1. My Ladye Nevels Grownde MB57
  2. Qui Passe For My Ladye Nevell MB19
  3. The Marche Before The Battell MB93
  4. The Battell MB94
  5. The Galliarde For The Victorie MB95
  6. The Barelye Breake MB92
  7. A Galliards Gygge MB18
  8. The Huntes Upp MB41
  9. Ut Re Mi Fa Sol La MB64
  10. The Firste Pavian MB29
  11. The Galliarde To The Same
  12. The II Pavian MB71
  13. The Galliarde (To The Same)
  14. The III Pavian MB14
  15. The Galliarde To The Same
  16. The IIII Pavian MB30
  17. The Galliarde
  18. The V Pavian MB31
  19. The Galliarde
  20. Pavana The VI: Kinbrugh Goodd MB32
  21. The Galliard
  22. The Seventh Pavian MB74
  23. The Eighte Pavian MB17
  24. The Passinge Mesures Pavan MB2
  25. The Galliarde
  26. A Voluntarie For My Ladye Nevell MB61
  27. Will Yow Walke The Woodes Soe Wylde MB85
  28. The Maidens Song MB82
  29. A Lesson of Voluntarie MB26
  30. The Seconde Grownde MB42
  31. Have with Yow to Walsingame MB8
  32. All in a Garden Grine MB56
  33. Lord Willobies Welcome Home MB7
  34. The Carmans Whistle MB36
  35. Hughe Ashstons Ground MB20
  36. A Fancie MB25
  37. Sellingers Rownde MB84
  38. Munsers Almaine MB88
  39. The Tenthe Pavian Mr W Peter MB3
  40. The Galliard
  41. A Fancie MB46
  42. A Voluntarie MB27