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The Spoken Arts Treasury (100 Modern American Poets Reading Their Poems)

By Various


  1. Jingle
  2. Hare Drummer
  3. Emily Sparks
  4. Reuben Pantier
  5. Edmund Pollard
  6. Anne Rutledge
  7. Lucinda Matlock
  8. The Creation
  9. A Portrait Of T. S. Eliot
  10. A Portrait Of Christian Bérard, A Painter
  11. Matisse
  12. She Bowed To Her Brother
  13. The Mountain
  14. The Most Of It
  15. The Old Man's Winter Night
  16. On Looking Up By Chance At The Constellations
  17. Directive
  18. Wilderness
  19. Bilbea
  20. Sea-wash
  21. How Much?
  22. Baby Song Of The Four Winds
  23. Chicago Baby Boy
  24. Proverbs From The People, Yes
  25. Mr. Attila
  26. Infanta Marina
  27. Fabliau Of Florida
  28. Bantams In Pine-Woods
  29. Nomad Exquisite
  30. Indian River
  31. Less And Less Human, O Savage Spirit
  32. Imago
  33. The Novel
  34. D.H. Lawrence
  35. Epithalamium And Elegy
  36. At The Aquarium
  37. Too Many People
  38. Epitaph
  39. Sonnet: 1909
  40. Paterson: The Falls
  41. Portrait Of A Woman In Bed
  42. Sympathetic Portrait Of A Child
  43. Spring Strains
  44. Dedication For A Plot Of Ground
  45. Complaint
  46. The Cold Night
  47. Primrose
  48. In Sisterly Fashion
  49. The World Narrowed To A Point
  50. The Hounded Lovers
  51. Song Tournament: New Style
  52. Prayer
  53. Caliban In The Coal Mines
  54. Irony
  55. Hands
  56. Almost
  57. The Wise Woman
  58. Canto #3
  59. Canto #38
  60. Canto #106
  61. The Whale
  62. Jesse James
  63. The Divine Insect
  64. The House In The Green Well
  65. Opening Verses Of "Helen In Egypt"
  66. Shane O'Neill's Cairn
  67. The Low Sky
  68. Now Returned Home
  69. Hurt Hawks
  70. Night
  71. Veracities And Verities
  72. In Distrust Of Merits
  73. From The Fables Of La Fontaine: Book 3, Fable 9 "The Wolf And The Stork"
  74. From The Fables Of La Fontaine: Book 12, Fable 16 "The Woods And The Woodsman"
  75. Prelude To An Evening
  76. Captain Carpenter
  77. Here Lies A Lady
  78. La Figlia Che Piange
  79. Sweenes Among The Nightingales
  80. Landscapes: New Hampshire
  81. Landscapes: Virginia
  82. Landscapes: Usk
  83. Landscapes: Rannoch, By Glencoe
  84. Landscapes: Cape Ann
  85. East Coker (V)
  86. The First Prelude From: Preludes From Memnon Or Preludes To Attitude
  87. If Man That Angel Of Bright Consciousness
  88. Sea Holly
  89. Roxiney Broody
  90. Alexander Graham Bell Did Not Invent The Telephone
  91. Lantern In The Snow
  92. The Rocker
  93. Pole Star
  94. The Spanish Lie
  95. The Two Priests
  96. Geography Of This Time
  97. Words In Time
  98. Corymba
  99. Randall, My Son
  100. On A Replica Of The Parthenon
  101. Joe Clisby's Song
  102. A Touch Of Snow
  103. The Lady's Reward
  104. One Perfect Rose
  105. Tombstones In The Starlight: The Minor Poet / The Pretty Lady / The Very Rich Man
  106. Tombstones In The Starlight: The Fisher Woman / The Actress
  107. Afternoon
  108. The Satin Dress
  109. Inscription For The Ceiling Of A Bedroom
  110. Men
  111. For An Unknown Lady
  112. Resumé
  113. Morning Workship
  114. Dunce Songs
  115. Men Do Not Leave Things So
  116. Get Up, I Say
  117. now air is air
  118. crazy jay blue
  119. beacause you take life in your stride
  120. dominic has
  121. maggie and milly and molly and may
  122. so shy, shy, shy
  123. what got him was nothing
  124. Stronger Than The Worst
  125. Homage To Paul Klee
  126. Homage To John Skelton
  127. Henceforth From The Mind
  128. Italian Morning
  129. Baroque Comment
  130. To My Brother (Killed: Haumont Wood: October 1918)
  131. Song For A Lyre
  132. The Daemon
  133. Invented A Person
  134. As Though From Love
  135. Latest Will
  136. Shadow And Answer
  137. Sparrow
  138. Litany For Dictatorships
  139. Blue Juniata
  140. Piney Woods
  141. Poem In A Time Of Crisis
  142. The Urn
  143. The Rocking Chairs
  144. Emblems: I
  145. Emblems: II
  146. Emblems: III
  147. Winter Mask To The Memory Of W. B. Yeats
  148. The Swimmers
  149. Bell Tower
  150. Sundown
  151. Light At Equinox
  152. Grapes Making
  153. Lullaby
  154. Country Summer
  155. Before Disaster
  156. Orpheus (In Memory Of Hart Crane)
  157. John Sutter
  158. Time And The Garden
  159. A Summer Commentary
  160. To The Moon
  161. I Sing An Old Song
  162. The Man Coming Toward You
  163. The Children's Playground
  164. Why The Sea Is Salt
  165. Still Here
  166. The Negro Speaks Of Rivers
  167. Negro
  168. Poem
  169. Merry-Go-Round
  170. Cultural Exchange
  171. Theme Song
  172. Escapist's Song
  173. The Inflatable Globe
  174. Lesson In Natural History
  175. Enlistment
  176. We Would Refer You To Our Service Department If We Had One
  177. Piano Tuner, Untune Me That Tune
  178. I Do, I Will, I Have
  179. The Private Dining Room
  180. Peekaboo, I Almost See You
  181. The Strange Case Of The Cautious Morotist
  182. Tune For An Ill-Tempered Clavichord
  183. Heritage
  184. Enthusiasm
  185. The Book Of How
  186. How She Resolved To Act
  187. Old Men And Old Women Going Home On The Street Car
  188. On The Grand Tour
  189. The Noise That Time Makes, A Sonnet
  190. The Fear Of Dying
  191. Carry Me Back
  192. All's Well That Ends
  193. For A Lamb
  194. Seals, Terns, Time
  195. The Human Being Is A Lonely Creature
  196. The Oak
  197. A Ship Burning And A Comet All In One Day
  198. Spring Mountain Climb
  199. Equivalence Of Gnats And Mice
  200. Bearded Oaks
  201. Terror
  202. The Waltzer In The House
  203. Geometry Of Moods
  204. The Tutored Child
  205. So Intricately Is This World Resolved
  206. The Dragonfly
  207. A Choice Of Weapons
  208. Another Spring
  209. A Sword In A Cloud Of Light
  210. This Night Only
  211. An Easy Song
  212. May Day
  213. Song: O Where Are You Going
  214. Villanelle: If I Could Tell You
  215. The Wanderer
  216. River Profile
  217. After Reading A Child's Guide To Modern Physics
  218. Elegy For Jane
  219. My Papa's Waltz
  220. Big Wind
  221. Night Crow
  222. The Shimmer Of Evil
  223. The Lady And The Bear
  224. I Knew A Woman
  225. To Praise A Poet: Robert Frost
  226. You Can't Be Wise
  227. Beasts: Part I
  228. Beasts: Part II
  229. From: American Child
  230. Colette
  231. The Last One
  232. The Man At Mid-Century
  233. Dead Leaves Out Of Place
  234. The Mother
  235. The Long Party
  236. Coleridge
  237. The Imaginary Iceberg
  238. The Fish
  239. Varick Street
  240. Visits To St. Elizabeth's
  241. Miramar Beach
  242. August Hail
  243. Meditation On A Memoir
  244. In The 30th Year Of Life
  245. Hyciathe - The Quality Of Being This
  246. Epigrams: An Epitaph, Soft, Career, At The Track
  247. The Tourist
  248. In Order To
  249. Poemscapes: A) You Know You're All Nuts; B) Sunday, April 8
  250. Selections From Hurrah For Anything
  251. Original Sin
  252. Missa Defunctorum
  253. Missa Sanctorum
  254. My Mother's Table
  255. The Schoolmaster
  256. Pittsburgh
  257. Airship
  258. Christmas Poem
  259. Hans Christian Andersen In Central Park
  260. The Figurehead
  261. Love For A Hand
  262. Adam And Eve: The Sickness Of Adam
  263. Adam And Eve: The Recognition Of Eve
  264. Adam And Eve: The Kiss
  265. Love Poem
  266. The Young Ionia
  267. Catullus, Poem, # LXX
  268. Dawn Song
  269. The Ballad Of The Children Of the Czar
  270. At A Solemn Musick
  271. Swift
  272. Reading Time: 1 Minute 26 Seconds
  273. Song
  274. Air
  275. The Overthrow Of One O' Clock At Night
  276. Wars
  277. Tenth Elegy In Joy
  278. In Our Time
  279. Early Supper
  280. The riumph Of Death
  281. Coq De Combat
  282. City Afternoon
  283. On A Bougainvillaea At The Summer Palace
  284. Dead Toucan-Guadaloupe
  285. The Critic
  286. Landscape: Deer Season
  287. To W. H. Auden On His 50th Birthday
  288. Introductory Remarks
  289. Cinderella
  291. The Woman At The Washington Zoo
  292. Filling Her Compact And Delicious Body
  293. I Am The Little Man Who Smokes And Smokes (Of 1826)
  294. Four Dream Songs, No. 2
  295. Twelve Dream Songs, No. 9
  296. Twelve Dream Songs, No. 4
  297. Reunion
  298. One Day
  299. Black Mother Praying
  300. I Sought From Love
  301. Notes From Underground
  302. Invitation To A Hay
  303. Catch What You Can
  304. Love's Relative
  305. Vernal Equinox
  306. In An Iridescent Time
  307. In The Madness Of Age
  308. The Magnet
  309. Once Upon A Time
  310. Upon Accepting The Gold Watch
  311. Valentine
  312. Female, Male And Both
  313. The September Afternoon Trees
  314. Colored Clay Horse With Wings
  315. Elegy For G. B. Shaw
  316. The Sea Shines
  317. V-J Day
  318. Bedlam Revisited
  319. The Dolls
  320. Homecoming
  321. Poem
  322. Childhood
  323. Little Elegy For Gertrude Stein
  324. Heavy, Heavy, Heavy
  325. Oedipus: His Cradle Song
  326. Nuns At Eve
  327. American Plan
  328. For George Santayana
  329. Charles The Fifth And The Peasant
  330. Falling Asleep Over The Aeneid
  331. Pigeons (For Hannah Arendt)
  332. Kitchenette Building
  333. The Preacher Ruminates Behind The Sermon
  334. Three Sonnets From "The Children Of The Poor"
  335. The Ballad Of Rudolph Reed
  336. We Real Cool: The Pool Players, Seven At The Golden Shovel
  337. American Primitive
  338. A Pavane For The Nursery
  339. Morning At Arnheim
  340. Death Of A Jazz Musician
  341. The Wooing Lady
  342. The Lovers
  343. Pidgin Pinch
  344. The Closing Of The Rodeo
  345. Cupidon
  346. The Peacock Of Java
  347. The Open Sea
  348. Roots
  349. For Guillaume Apollinaire
  350. My Acts
  351. Fountains Of Aix
  352. Poems About Time: A) Almanac
  353. Poems About Time: B) A Loaf Of Time
  354. Poems About Time: C) How To Be Old
  355. Frontispiece
  356. The Key To Everything
  357. The Goose Fish
  358. The Vacuum
  359. Dialogue
  360. The Quarry
  361. Truth
  362. Thoughts To A Concerto Of Telemann
  363. Love Calls Us To The Things Of This World
  364. Mind
  365. Digging For China
  366. For The New Railway Station To Rome
  367. Two Voices In A Meadow
  368. Museum Piece
  369. Looking Into History
  370. The Fall
  371. If You Can
  372. Sands
  373. Water Island
  374. The Tourists
  375. The Vow
  376. A Hill
  377. A Letter
  378. The Dover Bitch
  379. The Heaven Of Animals
  380. The Lifeguard
  381. The Hospital Window
  382. In The Mountain Tent
  383. The Silent Generation
  384. My Father In The Night Commanding No
  385. There Is
  386. The Man Who Married Magdalene
  387. The Silent Lover
  388. Birch
  389. The Jacob's Ladder
  390. A Solitude
  391. Song For Ishtar
  392. The Ache Of Marriage
  393. Song For A Dark Voice
  394. Luxury
  395. A Tulip
  396. Maine
  397. The Anchor
  398. Sable Island
  399. The Islanders
  400. Lying Awake
  401. A Flat One
  402. The Current
  403. Time
  404. Annie Hill's Grave
  405. Watching The Dance: A) Balanchine / B) Discotheque
  406. Love Comes Quietly
  407. For Love
  408. Song: What Do You Want, Love...
  409. The Finger
  410. Who Be Kind To
  411. Uptown, New York City
  412. House Hunting
  413. Bums At Breakfast
  414. The Fruit Of The Tree
  415. The Circuit
  416. Come Before His Countenance With A Joyful Leaping
  417. The Man Whom The Sea Kept Awake
  418. Condition Of The Working Classes 1960
  419. A Busy Man Speaks
  420. Poem In Three Parts
  421. Snowfall In The Afternoon
  422. Another Night At The Ruins
  423. Vapor Trail Reflected In The Frog Pond
  424. The Bear
  425. Thoughts Of A Young Girl
  426. A Last World
  427. They Dream Only Of America
  428. Some Trees
  429. Dog In A Cornfield
  430. Two Horses Playing In The Orchard
  431. Depressed By A Book Of Bad Poetry, I Walk Toward An Unused Pasture And Invite The Insects To Join Me
  432. From A Bus Window In Central Ohio Just Before A Thunder Shower
  433. Rain
  434. Today I Was Happy, So I Made This Poem
  435. Miners1:
  436. Artemis
  437. Not Forgotten: A) Watching Her Go / B) Dream / C) Reality / D) Self-defence / E) Aftermath
  438. Lunch At The Coq D'Or
  439. Plausible Man
  440. Christma Eve In Whitneyville
  441. Reclining Figure
  442. The Man in the Dead Machine
  443. The Dump
  444. Gold
  445. Funnel
  446. The Truth The Dead Know
  447. The Farmer's Wife
  448. Unknown Girl In The Maternity Ward
  449. Peeling Onions
  450. Ghost of a Chance
  451. The Roof Walker
  452. Mourning Picture
  453. In The Woods
  454. The Boat
  455. Adam On His Way Home
  456. The Faithful Lover
  457. The Shooting
  458. Drowning
  459. The Lady's-Maid's Song
  460. Digging It Out
  461. A New Leaf
  462. Under Cancer
  463. To An Usherette
  464. The Sensualist
  465. February 22nd
  466. The Stunt Flier
  467. Les Saints Nouveaux
  468. Die Neuen Heiligen
  469. Summer: West Side
  470. Time's Fool
  471. The Applicant
  472. Stop Dead
  473. Medusa
  474. Lady Lazarus
  475. Keeping Things Whole
  476. The Tunnel
  477. The Marriage
  478. The Last Bus - Rio De Janeiro
  479. My Life
  480. Prefix To Finding The Measure
  481. Sonnet 7, For Linda Parker
  482. Poem For Easter
  483. The Alchemist