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The Odyssey

By Homer (4)


  1. What I Say Is This...
  2. You Can Do Better Than That!
  3. You Who Came To Me...
  4. My Son Stands On The Beach...
  5. Athena, My Daughter...
  6. ...Like Pillars Of Light...
  7. Tearful Odysseus...
  8. There We Were...
  9. My Lady...
  10. Athena? What Are You Gazing At Now?
  11. Seventeen Days, Is It Now?
  12. He's A Feisty One!
  13. What? Where Have I Crash Landed Now?
  14. You Found Him Hiding In A Pit?
  15. You Sent For Me?
  16. Landfall Came Quickly...
  17. This Way...
  18. Something Approaches...
  19. Oh, My Arm's Gone To Sleep...
  20. All The Men came And Added Their Weight
  21. Land, I See Land
  22. Is There A Drink There For Me
  23. I Can't Bear It. I Smell The Pine Cones
  24. This Is The Sweetest Food
  25. Ouch Mosquitoes
  26. Help Odysseus We Are Bewitched
  27. In Truth I Was Clueless
  28. Who Is It, Don't Hide In The Bushes
  29. I Gripped That Flow In My Closed Fist
  30. And Here's The Handsomest Warrior Of All
  31. And Did They Regain Their Human Form
  32. I Know That Look On Your Face
  33. We Cast Off
  34. This Way Under The Crag
  35. The Oceans Look With Wonder On
  36. Rest The Oars A Moment While I Talk
  37. Hey Feel That
  38. Is It Over, Some Time Ago
  39. And We Praise Those Friends Who Are Now Lost
  40. That Quelled Them For The Time Being
  41. Is He Asleep
  42. Look At The Width Of The Shoulders
  43. Penelope Oh No What A Dream
  44. No Sooner Did We Cast Off
  45. The Sun Rising Just As We Near Land
  46. You Bet 3 And I Bet 5 And Another 5
  47. Zeus Father Is Resting
  48. What A Dream, The End Of The World
  49. Who's There, Who's Trespassing On My Land?
  50. Zeus Father Yes Indeed I Was Watching
  51. And Bring Them Home Safe
  52. Alright There Old Timer
  53. Take A Seat Old Feller
  54. Old Man Here She Comes
  55. Telemachus Did You Empty The Weapons
  56. My Lady Is It Over
  57. You Fought Like A Warrior