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This Sceptred Isle - The Twentieth Century - Volume 4. 1959-1979

By Anna Massey, Robert Powell, and Patience Tomlinson


  1. 1959-1965
  2. Winds Of Change
  3. 1960 - The U2 Incident
  4. Diversions
  5. 1961 - John Kennedy Becomes President Of The U.S.A.
  6. The Bay Of Pigs Fiasco
  7. The Building Of The Berlin Wall
  8. Approaches To Europe
  9. 1962 - Landmarks
  10. Cabinet Problems For Macmillan
  11. The Cuban Missile Crisis
  12. 1960 - De Gaulle Says Non
  13. The Profumo Scandal
  14. Beeching
  15. Martin Luther King Has A Dream
  16. Macmillan Resigns
  17. 1964 - Southern Rhodesia
  18. Labour Returns To Power
  19. War In Vietnam
  20. 1965 - The Death Of Churchill
  21. The Bombing Of North Vietnam
  22. Ian Smith Declares Rhodesian Independance
  23. Edward Heath Becomes Leader Of The Conservatives
  24. 1966-1971
  25. 1966 - A Second Labour Victory
  26. Harold Wilson And Ian Smith Talk On H.M.S. Tiger
  27. 1967 - The Six Day War
  28. The Devaluation Of The Pound
  29. 1968 - Protests Against The Vietnam War
  30. The Murder Of Martin Luther King
  31. Enoch Powell
  32. The Pound In Crisis Again
  33. Nothing Listed On 'Track Listing'
  34. The Crushing Of The Prague Spring
  35. 1969 - Troubles In Northern Ireland
  36. In Place Of Strife
  37. 1970 - The State Of The Nation
  38. Wilson Calls A General Election
  39. Edward Heath Becomes Prime Minister
  40. 1971 - Decimalisation
  41. Heath Moves Towards Europe
  42. Ulster In Flames
  43. Unemployment, Strikes And Spies
  44. 1972-1978
  45. 1972 - Britain Joins The E.E.C.
  46. Bloody Sunday And Direct Rule In Northern Ireland
  47. Terrorism At The Olympic Games
  48. Heath And The Unions
  49. 1973 - Attitudes To Europe
  50. Watergate
  51. The Yom Kippur War
  52. 1974 - Who Governs Britain?
  53. Harold Wilson Becomes Prime Minister Again
  54. Another General Election
  55. Northern Ireland
  56. 1975 - Exit Edward Heath, Enter Margaret Thatcher
  57. Britain Stays In Europe
  58. 1976 - Harold Wilson Resigns
  59. James Callaghan Becomes Prime Minister
  60. 1977 - Economic Gloom
  61. David Owen Becomes Foreign Secretary
  62. Charter 77
  63. 1978 - The Camp David Agreement
  64. Devolution
  65. A Polish Pope