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This Sceptred Isle - The Twentieth Century - Volume 3. 1939-1959

By Anna Massey, Robert Powell, and Patience Tomlinson


  1. 1939-1945
  2. The Second World War
  3. War Diary Of 1940
  4. Dunkirk
  5. The Battle Of Britain
  6. The Blitz
  7. Cold Weather And Rationing
  8. Churchill Becomes Prime Minister
  9. War Diary Of 1941
  10. Diversions
  11. The War Of Words
  12. America Enters The War
  13. War Diary Of 1942
  14. The Merchant Navy
  15. India And The Atlantic Charter
  16. Success In North Africa
  17. The Role Of Women
  18. War Diary Of 1943
  19. The Beveridge Report
  20. Pay As You Earn
  21. The Butler Education Act
  22. War Diary Of 1944
  23. Preparing For Peace
  24. Dresden
  25. Victory In Europe And Labour Landslide
  26. Hiroshima And Nagasaki
  27. 1946-1952
  28. Austerity
  29. Aneurin Bevan And The National Health Bill
  30. The United Nations Meet
  31. India And Palestine
  32. 1947 - Nationalisation Of The Mines
  33. The Worst Winter In Living Memory
  34. The Marshall Plan
  35. Independance For India
  36. 1958 - British Railways And A National Health Service
  37. The Death Of Ghandi
  38. Israel Declares Independance
  39. The Berlin Air Lift
  40. The Warsaw Pact
  41. 1919 - Ireland Becomes A Republic
  42. Dock Strikes, Rationing Ans A Sick Pound
  43. Nato
  44. 1950 - The Korean War
  45. A Plan For Europe
  46. 1951 - The Festival Of Britain
  47. Problems For Atlee
  48. Churchill Returns To Downing Street
  49. The Death Of King George The Sixth
  50. Trouble In Kenya
  51. 1953-1959
  52. 1953 - The New Elizabethan Age Begins
  53. The Colonies And The Commonwealth
  54. The Death Of Stalin - Enter Krushchev
  55. 1954 - Facing Up To The Threat Of Communism
  56. Confrontation In Egypt
  57. Teddy Boys And Other Diversions
  58. 1955 - East-West Relations
  59. Churchill Resigns
  60. The State Of The Nation
  61. 1956 - The Suez Crisis
  62. Eden Resigns - Macmillan Becomes Prime Minister
  63. 1957 - The Space Race Begins
  64. 1958 - The Last Debutantes And The First Parking Meters
  65. C.N.D. And Angry Young Men
  66. Cyprus
  67. National Service Is Abandoned
  68. 1959 - Fidel Castro Becomes President Of Cuba
  69. The Space Race Hots Up
  70. The Conservatives Win Their Third Election In A Row
  71. The European Free Trade Area And The Arrival Of The Mini