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This Sceptred Isle - Volume 10 - The Age Of Victoria 1837-1901

By Anna Massey, and Peter Jeffrey


  1. The Age Of Victoria
  2. 1837 - Lord Melbourne Informs Princess Victoria That She Is Queen
  3. The Ambition Of The Queen Mother
  4. Victoria's Coronation
  5. Melbourne Becomes The Queen's Advisor
  6. 1838 - The Chartists
  7. 1839 - Melbourne Resigns
  8. The First Afghan War
  9. The Opium Wars
  10. Prince Albert, The Queen's Cousin, Arrives in England
  11. 1840 - Victoria And Albert Are Married
  12. Prince Albert And The Precedence Question
  13. 1841 - Resignation Of The Whig Government - Peel Becomes P.M.
  14. Trade And The Repeal Of The Corn Laws
  15. Benjamin Disraeli And Young England
  16. 1846 - Famine In Ireland
  17. The Coercion Act - Peel Resigns
  18. Lord John Russell Becomes Prime Minister
  19. The Beginnings Of The Liberals
  20. The Last Whig Government
  21. The Growth Of Industrial Britain
  22. Public Health
  23. 1851 - The Great Exhibition
  24. Rebellions in Europe
  25. 1854 - The Crimean War Begins
  26. The Charge Of The Light Brigade
  27. The State Of The Troops - A Commission Of Enquiry
  28. Florence Nightingale
  29. The Fall Of Sebastopol And The End Of The War
  30. 1855 - The State Of The Nation
  31. Lord Palmerston, The New Prime Minister
  32. Disraeli Leads The Tories
  33. 1857 - The Indian Mutiny
  34. The British Take Revenge
  35. Gladstone On Income Tax
  36. 1856 - The Arrow War
  37. 1860 - More Parliamentary Reform In The Air
  38. Darwin And The Origin Of Species
  39. 1861 - Disunity In America, Unity In Italy
  40. 1861 - The Deaths Of The Queen Mother And Of Prince Albert
  41. Britain In 1861
  42. The Queen In Mourning
  43. Schleswig-Holstein And Bismark
  44. 1865 - Palmerston Dies - Disraeli Becomes Chancellor
  45. The Second Reform Act
  46. 1868 - Disraeli Becomes Leader Of The Conservatives
  47. Gladfstone And Disraeli
  48. 1869 - The Irish Church Bill
  49. The Golden Age Of The Liberals
  50. The Industrial Revolution Puts To Sea
  51. Charles Dickins
  52. Education
  53. Livingstone And Stanley
  54. 1870 - The Invisible Queen
  55. The Third French Republic
  56. 1874 - Disraeli Becomes Prime Minister
  57. 1875 - The British Government Buys Shares In The Suez Canal
  58. 1876 - The Turks Massacre Christian Bulgarians
  59. 1877 - Jingoism, Cyprus And 'Peace With Honour'
  60. 1877 - Empress Of India
  61. 1880 - Gladstone Becomes Prime Minister Again
  62. 1881 - The Death Of Disraeli
  63. 1881 - The First Boer War
  64. The Irish Land League, Home Rule And Charles Parnell
  65. 1885 - Gladstone's Home Rule Bill Fails
  66. Egypt And The Sudan
  67. 1884 - The Death Of Gordon At Khartoum
  68. 1885-6 - Four General Elections - The Way Is Open For The Labour Party
  69. 1887 - Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee
  70. Lord Randolph Churchill Resigns
  71. The Fabian Society
  72. 1892 - Keir Hardie Elected M.P.
  73. 1894 - Gladstone Resigns
  74. 1898 - The Battle Of Omdurman
  75. 1899 - The Second Boer War
  76. Mafeking And Ladysmith
  77. 1900 - The Khaki Election
  78. 1901 - The Death Of Queen Victoria
  79. The Dawn Of The 20th Century