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O Give Thanks Unto The Lord

By Thomas Tomkins, Hampton Court Palace Chapel Choir, Rufus Frowde, and Carl Jackson (7)


  1. Death Is Swallowed Up In Victory
  2. Preces & Responses
  3. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis (The Fourth Service)
  4. Who Can Tell How Oft He Offfendeth
  5. Gloria Tibi Trinitas
  6. Give Sentence With Me, O God
  7. Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis (The Seventh Service)
  8. Responses
  9. Jesus Came When The Doors Were Shut
  10. Turn Unto The Lord Our God
  11. A Fantasy
  12. Give Ear To My Words
  13. The Heavens Declare The Glory Of God
  14. Remember Me, O Lord
  15. O Lord, How Manifold Are Thy Works
  16. O Give Thanks Unto The Lord
  17. Voluntary