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Great Moments Of The 20th Century

By Various


  1. 1901-1953: The New Century, The World Wars & Fragile Peace
  2. Inventor Marconi Talks About Sending The First Transatlantic Radio Transmission (1936)
  3. The Double-Sided Record, New From The Columbia Graphophone Company, Offers Improved Sound And Durability (1904)
  4. Inventor Thomas Edison Announces The Age Of Electricity (1908)
  5. Commander Robert E. Perry Expounds On The Allure Of Arctic Exploration (April 1909)
  6. Survivor Gives Harrowing Account Of the R.M.S. Titanic Disaster (1936)
  7. Presidential Candidate Woodrow Wilson Makes The Case For A Living Wage (1912)
  8. British Member Of Parliament Horatio Bottomley Asserts That "We Are Witnessing That Great Armageddon" (1915)
  9. American Federation Of Labor President Samuel Gompers Explains U.S. Efforts In World War I (1916)
  10. Commander Of The American Expeditionary Forces In France, General J.J. "Black Jack" Pershing Asks For Support Of U.S. Troops (June 27, 1917)
  11. Former Ambassador To Germany James Gerard Challenges German-Americans' Loyalty In The Face Of Conflict (1917)
  12. An Explanation of Inventor Lee De Forest's Principles Of "Talking Film" (1922)
  13. Attorney Clarence Darrow Proclaims, "The Real Cause Of Crime Is Poverty, Ignorance, Hard Luck, And Generally Youth" (1924)
  14. Humorist Will Rogers Muses On His Entry In The Congressional Record (1925)
  15. Aviator Charles Lindbergh Reflects On The First-Ever Transatlantic Flight (May 1927)
  16. As The Threat Of War Once Again Looms Over Europe, Winston Churchill Asks, "What Are We To Do?" (1934)
  17. Expatriate Author Henry Miller Reads From His Controversial Book Tropic Of Cancer (1969)
  18. Louisiana Senator Huey Long Criticizes The Current Roosevelt Administration (1935)
  19. Indian Leader Mohandas Gandhi Shares His Beliefs (1935)
  20. President Franklin D. Roosevelt Visits Dust Bowl States And Vows To Save The American Farming Family (1936)
  21. Physicist Albert Einstein Asserts That Modern Man Is Detached From The World Because Of Technology (1936)
  22. King Edward VIII Announces His Abdication Of The Throne And Declares Allegiance To His Brother, King George VI (December 11, 1936)
  23. News Coverage Of The Hindenburg Airship Disaster (May 6, 1937)
  24. "The Man And The Mouse": Mickey Mouse Turns 10 Years Old (1937)
  25. Civil Rights Activist Asa Philip Randolph Pleas For Social And Racial Justice
  26. Aviator Howard Hughes And Crew Successfully Complete World's First Transglobal Flight (July 15, 1938)
  27. Sigmund Freud Discusses Psychoanalysis (1938)
  28. Dramatist And Critic George Bernard Shaw Defines The Pacifist Movement (1938)
  29. President Franklin D. Roosevelt Commemorates The Nations Of The World At New York World's Fair (April 30, 1939)
  30. Author Margaret Mitchell Expresses Gratitude Over Winning Pulitzer Prize For Gone With The Wind (1939)
  31. Broadcaster Edward R. Murrow Reports Plans For The Evacuation Of Children From London (August 31, 1939)
  32. Nazi Germany Mounts Blitzkrieg Invasion Of Poland (September 1, 1939)
  33. Nazi German Denies Aggression Toward Poland, Claiming Self-Defense (September 1, 1939)
  34. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain Declares A State Of War (September 3, 1939)
  35. German Chancellor Adolf Hitler Condemns Polish Aggression Toward Germans (September 3, 1939)
  36. Italian Fascist Leader Benito Mussolini Declares War On The Allied Powers (June 10, 1940)
  37. American Journalist William L. Shirer Reports On French Armistice Signing (June 22, 1940)
  38. Labor Leader John L. Lewis Supports Wendell Wilkie For President (October 25, 1940)
  39. President Franklin D. Roosevelt Announces The First Peacetime Draft Lottery (October 29, 1940)
  40. President Franklin D. Roosevelt Declares War On Japan (December 8, 1941)
  41. Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia Publicizes The New Convenient New York (1942)
  42. Announcement Of Allied Invasion Of North Africa (November 8, 1942)
  43. President Franklin D. Roosevelt Reports The Allied Armies' Liberation Of Rome (June 5, 1944)
  44. First Allied Planes Leave England, Leading D-Day Invasion (June 6, 1944)
  45. Report Of U.S. Flag Raised Over Island Of Iwo Jima (February 23, 1945)
  46. Announcement Of Allied Forces Crossing The Rhine River (March 8, 1945)
  47. Report Of German Army's Unconditional Surrender In Italy (April 29, 1945)
  48. Adolf Hitler Commits Suicide (April 30, 1945)
  49. "V-E Day" Report Of German Surrender Ending The War In Europe (May 7, 1945)
  50. "V-E Day" Celebration In Times Square, New York City (May 7, 1945)
  51. President Harry Truman Signs The United Nations Charter (June 26, 1945)
  52. Report Of The U.S. Having Dropped The Atomic Bomb On Hiroshima (August 6, 1945)
  53. "V-J Day" Report Of Japanese Surrender Ending The War In The Pacific (August 14, 1945)
  54. British Former Prime Minister Winston Churchill Declares Eastern Europe Behind An "Iron Curtain" (March 5, 1946)
  55. U.S. Census Reveals Postwar Infant Population Boom (April 1, 1947)
  56. Secretary Of State George C. Marshall Announces Plan To Revitalize Postwar European Economy (June 5, 1947)
  57. Soviet Blockade Of Berlin Thwarted By U.S. Air Force Efforts (1948)
  58. United Nations Representative Abba Eban Comments On Israel's Nationhood (May 31, 1948)
  59. President Harry Truman Mocks Naysayer Journalists In Election Victory Speech (November 2, 1948)
  60. White House Issues Statement That Soviet Union Has Atomic Bomb (September 3, 1949)
  61. Bobby Thompson Secures New York Giants' National League Pennant Win With Game-Clinching Home Run (October 3, 1951)
  62. Baseball Great Joe DiMaggio Announces His Retirement (December 11, 1951)
  63. Vice-Presidential Candidate Richard M. Nixon Defends Himself Against Allegations Of Mishandled Campaign Contributions (September 23, 1952)
  64. Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin Dies At Age 73 (March 5, 1953)
  65. Volume 2 1953-1969: The Atomic Era, The Cold War & The '60s
  66. Atomic Bomb Testing Continues (March 17, 1953)
  67. Coronation Of Queen Elizabeth II Of Great Britain (June 2, 1953)
  68. Julius And Ethel Rosenberg Are Denied Clemency (June 19, 1953)
  69. President Dwight D. Eisenhower Officially Announces End To Korean Conflict (July 27, 1953)
  70. Author Ray Bradbury Provides More Positive Outlook On Future Than His Book "Fahrenheit 451" Suggests (1958)
  71. President Dwight D. Eisenhower Assures That There Will Be Further Development On Polio Vaccine (February 1954)
  72. Congressmen Provide Conflicting Viewpoints On School Desegregation (May 17, 1954)
  73. Senator Joseph McCarthy Presides At House Un-American Activities Committee Hearing (June 9, 1954)
  74. New York Giants Manager Leo Durocher States Strong Leadership Is A Baseball Team's Top Asset (1954)
  75. Author Ernest Hemingway Delivers Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech (December 10, 1954)
  76. Cleveland Disc Jockey Alan Freed At The Top Of His Form Hosting The Moondog Show (1954)
  77. Ensure Your Safety With The Purchase Of This Nuclear Survival Course Record Album - Supplies Are Limited! (1954)
  78. James Dean Discusses His Craft On The Set Of Rebel Without A Cause (1954)
  79. Music Experts Squabble Over Meaning Of Rock 'N' Roll (July 1956)
  80. Yankees Pitcher Don Larsen Delivers First "Perfect Game" In World Series History (October 8, 1956)
  81. Hungarian Revolt Crushed By Soviets (October 23, 1956)
  82. What Do We Know About Cuban Revolutionary Fidel Castro? (May 3, 1957)
  83. Althea Gibson Becomes First Black Athlete To Win Wimbledon Tennis Championship (July 6, 1957)
  84. President Dwight D. Eisenhower Denounces Arkansas Effort To Enforce School Segregation (September 24, 1957)
  85. Black Politician Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., Speaks Out On Notion Of Freedom (1957)
  86. United States Successfully Launches First Orbiting Satellite, Explorer I (January 31, 1958)
  87. Author Lorraine Hansberry Discusses Her Play "A Raisin In The Sun" (March 11, 1959)
  88. NASA Introduces First Seven "Astronauts" For Project Mercury (April 9, 1959)
  89. Cuban Premier Fidel Castro Visits U.S. For First Time (April 17, 1959)
  90. Author Allen Ginsberg And Anthropologist Margaret Mead Discuss Origins Of The Term Beat Generation (1959)
  91. Presidential Candidates John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon Square Off In Televised Debate (October 13, 1960)
  92. President-Elect John F. Kennedy Wins Narrow-Margin Victory (November 8, 1960)
  93. President Dwight D. Eisenhower Delivers "Military Industrial Complex" Farewell Speech (January 18, 1961)
  94. President John F. Kennedy Addresses Nation With Inaugural Speech (January 20, 1961)
  95. Bay Of Pigs Invasion Denounced At United Nations Address April 17, 1961)
  96. Federal Communications Commission Chairman Newton Minnow Decries Television As A "Vast Wasteland" (May 1961)
  97. The Birth Of The Berlin Wall (August 13, 1961)
  98. Launch Of Telstar Satellite Ushers In Age Of High-Speed Communication Technology (July 10, 1962)
  99. Author John Steinbeck Discusses Winning Nobel Prize For Literature (December 10, 1962)
  100. Debut Of World's First Talking/Singing Computer (1962)
  101. President John F. Kennedy Is Assassinated (November 22, 1963)
  102. JFK Assassination Suspect Lee Harvey Oswald Is Shot (November 24, 1963)
  103. North Vietnamese Vessels Attack U.S. Navy In Gulf Of Tonkin (August 4, 1964)
  104. Activist Mario Savio Speaks Out On UC Berkeley "Educational Tyranny" (September 1964)
  105. Reports Confirm Soviet Communist Party Personnel Shake-Up (October 16, 1964)
  106. Activist Whitney Young Talks In Selma, Alabama, On The Importance Of The Black Vote (March 25, 1965)
  107. Racial Violence Breaks Out In Watts District Of Los Angeles (August 11, 1965)
  108. Vietnamese Radio Propaganda Queen "Hanoi Hannah" Broadcasts To U.S. Troops (1966)
  109. Dr. Christiaan Barnard Performs First Human Heart Transplant (December 3, 1967)
  110. Israeli Foreign Minister Golda Meir Articulates Israel's Need For Peace (June 1967)
  111. Senator Robert Kennedy Announces Presidential Candidacy (March 16, 1968)
  112. President Lyndon B. Johnson Declines Nomination For Reelection (March 31, 1968)
  113. Martin Luther King, Jr., Stirs Memphis Audience With "Mountain Top" Speech (April 3, 1968)
  114. Senator Robert Kennedy Is Assassinated (June 5, 1968)
  115. Soviets Invade Czechoslovakia (August 20, 1968)
  116. Riots Break Out At 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention (August 28, 1968)
  117. Apollo 8 Astronauts Conduct Christmas Eve Broadcast (December 24, 1968)
  118. Mickey Mantle Gives Farewell Speech To Yankees Fans (March 1, 1969)
  119. Apollo 11 Astronaut Neil Armstrong Broadcasts Man's First Steps On Moon (July 20, 1969)
  120. Beatle Paul McCartney Refutes Rumors Of His Death (October 21, 1969)
  121. Thousands Of Protesters Show Support On Vietnam Moratorium Day (November 5, 1969)
  122. Vice President Spiro Agnew Lashes Out Against "The Media Elite" (1969)
  123. Volume 3 1970-1999: Equal Rights, Watergate & Glasnost
  124. Commander James A. Lovell, Jr., Reports From Apollo 13: "Houston, We've Had A Problem" (April 13, 1970)
  125. National Voting Age Is Lowered To 18 (June 22, 1970)
  126. New York Congresswoman Bella Abzug Testimonial On The Equal Rights Amendment (August 1970)
  127. National Organization For Women Founder Betty Friedan Speaks Out During The "Women's Strike For Equality" Day (August 26, 1970)
  128. President Richard Nixon Announces Plans To Visit Communist China (April 29, 1971)
  129. Future British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher Cites The Ability Of Women To Succeed In Government (1971)
  130. United Nations Officially Recognizes People's Republic Of China (November 15, 1971)
  131. Governor Ronald Reagan Views George Wallace Assassination Attempt As Outgrowth Of Hatred In America (May 15, 1972)
  132. Olympic Athletes Are Taken Hostage In Munich (September 5, 1972)
  133. Secretary Of State Henry Kissinger Announces "Peace Is At Hand" In Vietnam (October 26, 1972)
  134. Supreme Court Decision Legalizes Abortion In Roe v. Wade (January 22, 1973)
  135. Members Of American Indian Movement Take Over Wounded Knee, South Dakota (February 28, 1973)
  136. Dispute At White House Over Release Of Watergate Tapes (October 20, 1973)
  137. President Richard Nixon Concedes "One Can Only Be Angry With Those He Respects" (October 26, 1973)
  138. President Richard Nixon's Resignation: "I Have Never Been A Quitter" (August 8, 1974)
  139. President Richard Nixon Bids Farewell To His White House Staff (August 9, 1974)
  140. President Gerald Ford Gives Inaugural Speech (August 9, 1974)
  141. South Vietnam Surrenders To Vietcong (April 29, 1975)
  142. Exiled Russian Novelist Aleksander Solzhenitsyn Addresses Harvard Graduating Class (June 30, 1975)
  143. Astronaut Thomas Stafford And Cosmonaut Alexey Leonov Seal Joint Mission With Handshake In Space (July 17, 1975)
  144. Egyptian President Anwar El-Sadat Gives Goodwill Address To Congress (November 5, 1975)
  145. Congresswoman Barbara Jordan Becomes First Black Woman To Deliver The Keynote Address At The Democratic Convention (July 12, 1976)
  146. Viking I Travels 500 Million Miles To Land On Mars (July 20, 1976)
  147. Former Beatle John Lennon Finally Wins Residency Status In U.S. (July 27, 1976)
  148. Outbreak Of Legionnaire's Disease (August 4, 1976)
  149. Space Shuttle Enterprise Passes First Flight Test (August 12, 1976)
  150. Elvis Presley Dies At 42 (august 16, 1977)
  151. The Observations Of San Francisco Politician Harvey Milk (June 1978)
  152. Pope John Paul I Dies Suddenly (September 28, 1978)
  153. San Francisco Board Of Supervisors President Dianne Feinstein Discloses The Murders Of Mayor George Moscone And Supervisor Harvey Milk (November 27, 1978)
  154. President Jimmy Carter Discusses Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty (March 26, 1979)
  155. Pennsylvania Governor Dick Thornburgh Advises Citizens Of Possible Radioactivity After Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant Accident (March 28, 1979)
  156. Entrepreneur Ted Turner Officially Inaugurates The Cable News Network (June 1, 1980)
  157. Labor Unrest In Poland (August 14, 1980)
  158. President Jimmy Carter Announces Release Of 52 American Hostages Held In Iran (January 20, 1981)
  159. Conflicting Announcement Of The Assassination Attempt On President Ronald Reagan (March 30, 1981)
  160. Assassin Wounds Pope John Paul II (May 13, 1981)
  161. President Ronald Reagan Lays Down The Law To Striking Air Traffic Controllers (August 3, 1981)
  162. Britain And Argentina At War Over Falkland Islands (May, 1982)
  163. Soviets Down Korean Airlines Flight 007 (September 1, 1983)
  164. Reports Of U.S. Invasion From Grenada (October 25, 1983)
  165. Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster (January 28, 1986)
  166. President Ronald Reagan Denies Allegations Of Secret Deals With Iran (November 19, 1986)
  167. 1988 Democratic VBice Presidential Candidate Lloyd Bentsen To Republican Candidate Dan Quayle "You're No Jack Kennedy" (October 5, 1988)
  168. President Ronald Reagan Envisions "The Shining City" (January 19, 1989)
  169. Report Of Chinese Government Response To Student Revolt From Tiananmen Square, Beijing (June 4, 1989)
  170. Operation Desert Storm Begins (January 16, 1991)
  171. Law Professor Anita Hill Testifies Against Judge Clarence Thomas In Senate Confirmation Hearings (October 11, 1991)
  172. Supreme Court Nominee Judge Clarence Thomas Gives His Testimony (October 11, 1991)
  173. Observations About The Rodney King Verdict And Ensuing Street Riots In Los Angeles (April 29, 1992)
  174. California State Senator Diane Watson Seeks Culpability For The Los Angeles Riots (April 30, 1992)
  175. Motorist Rodney King Implores: "Can We All Get Along?" (May 1, 1992)
  176. FBI Tactical Briefing Concerning The Branch Davidians' Compound In Waco, Texas (April 1993)
  177. Nelson Mandela Speaks On Eve Of South Africa's Presidential Election (April 29, 1994)
  178. President Bill Clinton Condemns Bombing In Oklahoma City (April 19, 1995)
  179. Reeading Of O.J. Simpson Trial Verdict (October 3, 1995)
  180. Noa Ben-Artzi Philosof Gives Eulogy For Grandfather Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin (November 6, 1995)
  181. General Colin Powell Declines Bid For Presidency (November 8, 1995)
  182. Unabomber Suspect Theodore Kaczynski Is Apprehended (April 3, 1996)
  183. Richard Jewell Denies Being Responsible For The Bomb Explosion At The 1996 Summer Olympic Games In Atlanta (October 28, 1996)
  184. British Scientist Ian Wilmut Discusses Human Cloning (April 15, 1997)
  185. Britain Returns Conservatorship Of Hong King To China (June 30, 1997)
  186. Diana, Princess Of Wales, Dies In Car Crash (August 31, 1997)
  187. Linda Tripp Records Monica Lewinsky (October 16, 1997)
  188. President Bill Clinton Avows "I Did Not Have Sexual Relations With That Woman, Miss Lewinsky" (January 26, 1998)
  189. President Bill Clinton Testifies His Explanation Was "Legally Accurate" (August 17, 1998)
  190. Mark McGwire Breaks Roger Maris' Single-Season Home Run Record (September 8, 1998)
  191. U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan Appeals For "Peace Over War" In Kosovo (March 24, 1999)
  192. U.S. Returns Conservatorship Of The Panama Canal Back To Panama (December 31, 1999)
  193. Record-Breaking Stock Exchange Frenzy Continues (December 31, 1999)
  194. President Bill Clinton Observes The Dawning Of The New Millennium (31 December 1999)
  195. The Celebration Of New Year's Eve In Times Square (December 31, 1999)