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Another 121 Types Of Ears Mutilation

By Трупнокалиберный Гноемёт


  1. You My Deche
  2. Penis Enlargement Untitled Cover
  3. Toilet Clogged With Your Sewered Head
  4. Eating Worms (Pile Of Eggs Cover)
  5. Cristen Me With Razor Blades
  6. Aunt Mary Untitled Cover
  7. Are You A Cynic? Suck My Dick And Go Fuck Yourself!
  8. Car Alarm (Mexican Power Authority Cover)
  9. Children Of Condom
  10. Paranoia (SKULLxPIERCER Cover)
  11. Crushed Pubic Bone
  12. H.O.M.O. (Prodeath Cover)
  13. The Wyoming Incident
  14. Funeral Mongoloids Untitled Cover
  15. R.I.P. Katz Seki
  16. Thoughtful Committed People (Psychotic Sufferance Cover)
  17. Sexy Uncanny Valley
  18. Wake Up To Real Nightmare (Yesmeansyes Cover)
  19. Road-Killed Jesus
  20. Adolf Shitter Untitled Cover
  21. Greedy Pigs Are Marching To The Slaughterhouse
  22. Gorgonized Dorks Untitled Cover
  23. Blowtorch Blowjob
  24. Hanged Bodies (Disfigured Human Mind Cover)
  25. LDOH Drums Punching My Face Like Adam Chaplin Punching His Enemies To Death
  26. Mente Obstruida (Atrofia Cerebral Cover)
  27. Low Level Life Intoxication
  28. Short But Sweet (M.O.D. Cover)
  29. Bipolar Buddha's Lustful Mania
  30. Menschenmüll (Anal Tits Cover)
  31. Can Tom Angelripper Rips The Angel Dust?
  32. Minch (Minch Cover)
  33. I Want Some Noisecore Tapes And Chocolate
  34. Passed Out And Pissed On (Piss Junkie Cover)
  35. Choker Of Barbed Wire
  36. Verreckt (Tumor Cover)
  37. Russian Rock... Still Dead
  38. Entry Level (Sidetracked Cover)
  39. Postman Pechkin With The Machine Gun
  40. Harsh Supplement Untitled Cover
  41. Urethra Mutation
  42. Selling Guns To Hood Kids (Eye Gag Cover)
  43. Les Légions Noires Still The Best
  44. This Is Our Talent, And We're Happy With It (Shitnoise Bastards Cover)
  45. Bizarre Charlie Alien Horseback On Xenomorph
  46. Nausea (Beer Terror Cover)
  47. I Hate Shitcore
  48. Bullshit Propaganda (Arseslaughter Cover)
  49. Shredded Entrails
  50. Tormento (Vitimas Do Crack Cover)
  51. Swallowing The Atomic Bombs
  52. Central Do Medo (Changoz! Cover)
  53. Rectal Stun Gun
  54. ALLLLLRRIIIIIIIGHHHT! (Enbilulugugal Cover)
  55. Love Sodom, Not War
  56. SCUM (Rezeegtnuk Cover)
  57. Gleb Samoilov Could Be Lead The Revolution
  58. Sore Scrotem (Psycho Cover)
  59. Arseblaster
  60. Massive Ejaculation Untitled Cover
  61. Modern Russian Pop Scene Sucks
  63. Cybergrind Sucks, Cybergoths Are Cool
  64. Speed Metal Makes Me Puke (Arse Cover)
  65. That Gorenoise Guys Vomiting With The Distortion
  66. Satanists Believe In God Also (Gofuckyourself Cover)
  67. In Russia We Loves Pelmeni, Red Square And Grindcore
  68. Горшок Мертв (Dread Of The Butcher Cover)
  69. Scum Training
  70. Grunt (The Goosegoosigagaga Cover)
  71. Blitzkrieg Arse
  72. Masterpiece Of Shit (Butt Auger Cover)
  73. Alexey Glukhov Our New Messiah
  74. Mega Armageddon Death (Electro Hippies Cover)
  75. I Could Play The Best Black Metal Ever, But I'm Not A Nord
  76. She Boar (Man Is The Bastard Cover)
  77. Popsicle Holocaust
  78. I Open Window And Masturbate (Disintellectual Cover)
  79. George Harrison Gave Me The Worst Joint I Ever Had
  80. Medicate (Water Torture Cover)
  81. Warning! This EP Is Cursed
  82. Jim Wells (Kim Karkrashian Cover)
  83. The Plague Whore
  84. Pipe In Your Forehead (Взрыв Кабачка в Коляске с Поносом Cover)
  85. Agathocles Are Cool, Rot Are Cool Too, But Rotocles Fucking Sucks
  86. Cartilha Da Burrice (Days Of Hate Cover)
  87. Noisy Self-Torture
  88. Drink Much Piss (Shame Hole Cover)
  89. Toxic Piss
  90. Ritalin Attack (Agoraphobic Nosebleed Cover)
  91. Do You Think My Music Is Garbage? Well, You Are Right
  92. Чип И Дейл Спешат На Помощь! (Карданный Вал Cover)
  93. Stabra Kadabra
  94. We Wish (The HIRS Collective Cover)
  95. The Noisy Retards Intrusion
  96. Behind The Mask (Deathnoise Cover)
  97. Penis Decrease
  98. Asti Punx (Cripple Bastards Cover)
  99. Knocking Out The Teeth With The Crowbar
  100. Fuck On The Beach (Fuck On The Beach Cover)
  101. Beer And Sidor Terror
  102. Infected With Gonorrhea Contracted Through Anal... (Pankreatite Necro Hemorrágica Cover)
  103. Obscure Nihilistic Hellhole
  104. Up The Butt (Gory Melanoma Cover)
  105. Alice In Necroland
  106. XOXX-Rated (Xox Cover)
  107. Deche-Charge’s Groovy Pirate Ghost Mystery
  108. Blue Collar Pride (Benümb Cover)
  109. The Brown Note Finally Was Reached By Me
  110. Le Fin Du Fin Sur Du Pain C'est Du Brin (Frankensperm Cover)
  111. Mass Degradation
  112. Les Voix Claires, C'est Comme Une Bite Au Cul: Les Pd Aiment Ça (Mucus Cover)
  113. Slamming Brutal Death Metal Are Too Boring
  114. Fikfek' (Penis Canina Cover)
  115. Pablo Escobar
  116. How Can You Listen To Russian Rock? (Drochills Cover)
  117. I Don't Believe In Tomorrow
  118. Onany Boys Untitled Cover
  119. Fuck Untitleds
  120. Destroyed (Last Days Of Humanity Cover)
  121. You My Charge