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Discogs Explorer

File #733 U.F.O. – Further Investigation

By Various


  1. Do They Or Don’t They Exist?
  2. The U.F.O. Cults
  3. Telepathic Communication With Saucer Men!
  4. A Message From Outer Space
  5. Science And The Saucers
  6. The Strange Case Of Sid Padrick
  7. Inside A Space Craft
  8. Why Are They Here?
  9. Where Are They From?
  10. Spacemen...Animal, Mineral Or Vegetable?
  11. The Airforce And U.F.O!
  12. The Case Of The Missing A.F. Planes
  13. The Flood Of Saucer Sightings
  14. The Case Of The Persistent Saucers
  15. Mrs. Brundages’
  16. Night Of Fear
  17. Brundage Continued
  18. The James Flynn Story
  19. The Mystery Ray Strikes
  20. A Blinded Mr. Flynn
  21. Old Tricks...Air Force Style
  22. Night Walk
  23. Floating Lights
  24. Granite Trees
  25. Uwanosora
  26. Pedals Fell In Bayview
  27. Overtone Sequence (Feedback Mix)
  28. Diatribe Convoy
  29. Floating Lights
  30. Uwanosora
  31. Astral Traveler
  32. Holographic
  33. Drones On Drones
  34. Pala
  35. Dualism Disrupted
  36. Closed Eye Vision
  37. Holographic
  38. Pedals Fell in Bayview
  39. In The Hoosegow