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The Grolier Classitron: A Spoken Anthology of the World's Great Classics

By Grolier Incorporated, and Floyd Zulli


  1. Introduction
  2. Gulliver's Travels (Pages 5-8)
  3. The Prince (Pages 111-114)
  4. Moby Dick (Pages 318-320)
  5. Huckleberry Finn (Pages 1-3)
  6. Jane Eyre (Pages 471-473)
  7. "Intellect" From Essays By Emerson (Pages 253-255)
  8. Walden (Pages 161-164)
  9. The Red Badge Of Courage (Pages 65-67)
  10. Anna Karenina (Pages 1239-1241)
  11. Madame Bovary (Pages 402-404)
  12. The Way Of All Flesh (Pages 397-399)
  13. Vanity Fair (Pages 579-581)
  14. Wuthering Heights (Pages 152-155)
  15. Pride And Prejuduce (Pages 255-257)
  16. Life Of Samuel Johnson (Pages 101-104)
  17. The Autobiography Of Benjamin Franklin (Pages 89-91)
  18. "The Crisis" From The Ground On Which We Stand (Pages 26-31)
  19. Politics (Pages 149-151)
  20. The Republic (Pages 34-37)
  21. "Henry IV, Part 2" From The Complete Histories And Poems By Shakespeare (Pages 143-144)
  22. The Odyssey (Pages 74-77)
  23. The Pilgrim's Progress (Pages 168-170)
  24. The Adventures Of Robinson Crusoe (Pages 1-3)
  25. Joseph Andrews (Pages 15-17)
  26. Don Quixote (Pages 268-270)
  27. The Courtier (Pages 342-343)
  28. The Divine Comedy (Pages 24-26)
  29. "The Infernal Regions" From The Age Of Fable (Pages 366-368)
  30. "Macbeth" From The Complete Tragedies By Shakespeare (Page 243)
  31. The Scarlet Letter (Pages 227-230)
  32. Paradise Lost (Pages 95-98)
  33. Faust (Pages 76-79)
  34. "Ball-Of-Fat" From Selected Short Stories By Maupassant (pages 17-19)
  35. "The Pit And The Pendulum" From Selected Stories And Poems By Poe
  36. Verses VII, XVIII, XXVII, XXXIX, XIVII, LXXIII Of "The Rubaiyat Of Omar Khayyam" From Classical Literature Of Asia (Pages 287, 289, 291, 293, 295, 299)
  37. "The Merry Wives Of Windsor" From The Complete Comedies By Shakespeare (Pages 85-86)
  38. Ivanhoe (Pages 114-116)
  39. "Alexander" From The Lives Of Ten Noble Greeks And Romans (Pages 174-176)
  40. "Of Books" From Essays By Montaigne (Pages 232-233)
  41. The Autobiography Of Benvenuto Cellini (Pages 371-373)
  42. Pensees (Pages 11, 12, 209, And 211)
  43. Crime And Punishment (Pages 99-101)
  44. The Moonstone (Pages 286-289)
  45. The House Of The Seven Gables (Pages 134-136)
  46. Pere Goriot (Pages 138-140)
  47. A Tale Of Two Cities (Pages 329-332)
  48. The American (Pages 164-167)
  49. The Idiot (pages 338-340)
  50. From Great Poetry Of The English Language:
  51. "The World Is Too Much With Us" (Page 385)
  52. "The Passionate Shepherd To His Love" (Pages 37-38)
  53. "I Never Saw A Moor" (Page 748)
  54. "My Life Closed Twice" (Page 750)
  55. "Carpe Diem" (Pages 52-53)
  56. "If Thou Must Love Me" (Page 431)
  57. "She Walks In Beauty" (Pages 242-243)
  58. -
  59. Conclusion