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Tony Palmer's Film Of Death In Venice (The Opera By Benjamin Britten)

By Tony Palmer (7), and Benjamin Britten


  1. Death In Venice
  2. Act One
  3. My Mind Beats On
  4. Who's That? A Foreigner
  5. Hey There, Hey There
  6. Serenissima... Low-Lying Clouds
  7. Overture: Venice
  8. Ah! Serenissima!
  9. Mysterious Gondola
  10. We Are Delighted To Greet The Signore
  11. Was I Wrong To Come?
  12. There Is Indeed In Every Artist's Nature
  13. (Children's Game) ... Adziu! Adziu!
  14. Aou'! Stagando, Aou'!
  15. Naturally, Signore, I Understand
  16. Here I Will Stay, Here I Will Dedicate My Days
  17. First The Race!
  18. The Boy, Tadzio, Shall Inspire Me
  19. Act Two
  20. So, It Has Come To This
  21. Guardate, Signore
  22. Do I Detect A Scent?
  23. Careful Search Now Leads Me To Them
  24. This Was For The Players, Signori!
  25. Fiorir Rose In Mezzo Al Giasso
  26. One Moment If You Please
  27. In These Last Years
  28. So It Is True, True
  29. Receive The Stranger God
  30. Yes! A Very Wise Decision
  31. Hurrah For The Piazza
  32. Chaos, Chaos And Sickness
  33. The Wind Still Blows From The Land
  34. (On The Beach) ... Ah, No!
  35. -
  36. Credits