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Rhythms Of Poetry

By Various


  1. Iambic Lines Of Five Feet (Iambic Pentameter) In Rhymed Couplets
  2. "But Lord Christ, When That It Remembreth Me" From "The Wife Of Bath's Prologue" (Modern Pronounciation)
  3. "But Lord Christ, When That It Remembreth Me" From "The Wife Of Bath's Prologue" (Original Pronounciation)
  4. Elizabethan Couplets
  5. "Now In Her Tender Arms I Sweetly Bide" From Translation Of Ovid's Amores
  6. "When I Am Gone, Dream Me Some Happiness" From "To His Mistress Desiring To Travel With Him As His Page"
  7. Augustan, Keatsian And Modern Couplets
  8. "She Went To Plain-Work, And To Purling Brooks" From "Epistle To Miss Blount"
  9. "Soft Went The Music The Soft Air Along" From Lamia
  10. "Tamed By Miltown We Lie On Mother's Bed" From "Man And Wife"
  11. Verse Of A Song In Lines Of Five Feet
  12. "Haste Hapless Sighs, And Let Your Burning Breath" From "Go Crystal Tears"
  13. Blank Verse: Unrhymed Iambic Pentameters, Elizabethan And Jacobian
  14. "Black Is The Beauty Of The Brightest Day" From Tamburlaine Part II
  15. "What Would It Pleasure Me To Have My Throat Cut" From The Duchess Of Malfi
  16. Milton's Blank Verse
  17. "Is This The Region, This The Soul, The Clime" From Paradise Lost
  18. Wordsworth's Blank Verse
  19. "Now Less In Springtime When On Southern Banks" From The Prelude
  20. Blank Verse In Eliot
  21. "I That Was Near Your Heart Was Removed Therefrom" From "Gerontion"
  22. Italian Verse: Eleven-Syllable Lines Alone; And With Seven Syllable Lines
  23. "S'io Credesse Che Mia Risposta Fosse" From Inferno
  24. "O Voi Che Per La Via D'Amor Passate" From La Vita Nuova
  25. Pentameters Together With Line Of Three Feet In English
  26. "I Saw My Lady Weep" - First Verse
  27. "Let Us Go Then, You And I" From "The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock"
  28. Lines Of Three Feet
  29. "By Saint Mary My Lady" From "To Mistress Isabel Pennell"
  30. "First When I Cam' To The Town" From "The Lichtbob's Lassie"
  31. "For Nations Vague As Weed" - "Nothing To Be Said"
  32. Alexandrines (Lines Of Six Feet) In English
  33. "Up With The Jocund Lark (Too Long We Take Our Rest)" From Polyolbion
  34. Broken Alexandrines In French
  35. "Blocus Sentimental! Messageries De Levant!,,," From "L'Hiver Qui Vient"
  36. Lines Of Two Feet
  37. With Serving Still
  38. Iambic Lines Of Four Feet
  39. "There Is A Lady Sweet And Kind" (First Verse)
  40. Iambic Lines Of Four Feet (Continued)
  41. "Even Such Is Time, Which Takes In Trust" - "Epitaph"
  42. Trochaic Lines Of Four Feet
  43. "Straight Mine Eye Hath Caught New Pleasures" From "L'Allegro"
  44. "Lay Your Sleeping Head My Love" - First Verse Of "Lullaby"
  45. Trochaic Lines Of Eight Feet
  46. "Pange Lingua Gloriosi Proelium Certaminis" - First Verse
  47. "Oh The After-Tram-Ride Quiet, When We Heard A Mile Behind" From "Parliament Hill Fields"
  48. Iambic Lines Of Seven Feet (Fourteeneers)
  49. "The Damzell Ronnes As If Her Feet Were Wings. And Though That Shee" From Translation Of Ovid's Metamorphoses
  50. Trochaic Lines Of Seven Feet
  51. "Underneath A Cypress Shade The Queen Of Love Sat Mourning" (First And Last Verse)
  52. Anglo Saxon Stress Rhythms
  53. "May I For My Own Self Song's Truth Reckon" From "The Seafarer"
  54. "Mæg Ic Be Me Sylfum Soogied Wrecan" (Original)
  55. Medieval Stress Rhythms
  56. "In A Somer Seson Whan Soft Was The Sonne" From Piers Plowman (Modern Pronounciation)
  57. "In A Somer Seson Whan Soft Was The Sonne" From Piers Plowman (Original Pronounciation)
  58. Renaissance Verse Between Stress And Pentameter Rhythms
  59. "Wherewith Love To The Hart's Forest He Fleeth" From Translation Of Petracht's Sonnet "The Long Love That In My Thought Doth Harbour"
  60. Modern Rhythms Related To Stress Verse
  61. "Doom Is Dark And Deeper Than Any Sea Dingle" From "The Wanderer"
  62. "Listen To The Hoofbeats. Listen! Listen!" From Purgatory
  63. Stress Verse In Eliot
  64. "Midwinter Spring Is Its Own Season" From "Little Gidding"
  65. Medieval Song Rhythms
  66. "Bytuene Mershe And Averil" From "Alisoun" (c. 1300)
  67. "The Maidens Came" - "The Bridal Morn"
  68. Folksong And Ballad Rhythms
  69. "Clark Saunders And May Margaret" From "Clark Saunders"
  70. "One Morning Fair As I Took The Air" From "Blackwaterside"
  71. Verse Forms With Song Freedoms
  72. "The Owl Is Abroad, The Bat And The Toad" - "The Witches' Charm"
  73. Verse Forms With Song Freedoms (Continued)
  74. "The Night Is Chill, The Forest Bare" From "Christabel"
  75. "In A Coign Of The Cliff Between Lowland And Highland" From "A Forsaken Garden"
  76. A Song Verse In Triple Time
  77. "It Was Pleasant And Delightful One Mid-summers Morn" (First Verse)
  78. Verse With Three Syllables To The Foot
  79. "The Poplars Are Felled, Farewell To The Shade" From "The Poplar-Field"
  80. "When The Swift-Rolling Brook, Swollen Deep" - "The Storm-Wind"
  81. Dactylic Hexameters
  82. "Hic Tamen Hanc Mecum Poteras Requiescere Noctem" From "Eclogue I"
  83. "Rome Disappoints Me Much; I Hardly As Yet Understand, But" From Amours De Voyage
  84. Elegiac Couplets And Related Rhythms
  85. "Nunc Iuvar In Teneris Dominae Iacuisse Lacteris" From Amoures
  86. "When The Present Gas Latched Its Postern Behind My Tremulous Stay" From "Afterwards"
  87. "Kehr In Die Dürftigen Herzen Des Volks, Lebendige Schönheit" From "An Diotima"
  88. Modern Verse Related To Dactylic Rhythms
  89. "Like A Skein Of Loose Skin Blown Against A Wall" - "The Garden"
  90. Modern Verse Related To Dactylic Rhythms (Continued)
  91. "The Is The Lower Sling Swivel. And This" From "Naming Of Parts"
  92. Sapphics
  93. "Poikilóthron' Áthanat Aphródita" (First Verse)
  94. "When The Fierce North-Wind With Its Airy Forces" From "The Day Of Judgement"
  95. Sprung Rhythms
  96. "I Caught This Morning Morning's Minion, King-" From "The Windhover"
  97. Biblical Rhythms
  98. Book Of Psalms - "O Come, Let Us Sing Unto The Lord" From Authorized Version, Psalm 95
  99. "For I Will Consider My Cat, Jeoffry" From "Jubilante Agno"
  100. Nineteenth Century Free Verse Forms
  101. "The Banks Of The Thames Are Clouded! The Ancient Porches Of Albion Are" From "Jerusalem"
  102. "I Sing The Body Electric"
  103. Some Recent Free Verse Rhythms
  104. "With Innocent Wide Penguin Eyes, Three" From "Bird-Witted"
  105. Some Recent Free Verse Rhythms (Continued)
  106. "Reality Is To Be Sought, Not In Concrete" - "Aesthetic"
  107. Some Recent Free Verse Rhythms (Continued)
  108. "He Said: Let's Stay Here" - "Party Piece"