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Adventures In History

By Doctor Who


  1. The Myth Makers
  2. Episode One: Temple Of Secrets
  3. Opening Titles
  4. Scene 1: Plain Of Troy (& Episode Titles)
  5. Scene 2: Tardis Interior
  6. Scene 3: Plain Of Troy
  7. Scene 4: Tardis Interior
  8. Scene 5: Plain Of Troy
  9. Scene 6: Tardis Interior
  10. Scene 7: Plain Of Troy
  11. Scene 8: Tardis Interior
  12. Scene 9: Agamemnon's Tent
  13. Scene 10: Agamemnon's Tent (Later)
  14. Scene 11: Greek Camp (Night)
  15. Scene 12: Greek Camp, Elsewhere (Night)
  16. Scene 13: Agamemnon's Tent
  17. Episode Two: Small Prophet, Quick Return
  18. Opening Titles
  19. Scene 1: Agamemnon's Tent (Episode Titles)
  20. Scene 2: Plain Of Troy
  21. Scene 3: Main Square Of Troy
  22. Scene 4: Tardis Interior
  23. Scene 5: Plain Of Troy
  24. Scene 6: Main Square Of Troy
  25. Scene 7: Tent In The Greek Camp
  26. Scene 8: Plain Of Troy
  27. Scene 9: Priam's Dining Hall
  28. Episode Three: Death Of A Spy
  29. Opening Titles
  30. Scene 1: Priam's Dining Hall
  31. Scene 2: Tent In The Greek Camp
  32. Scene 3: Cells, Troy
  33. Scene 4: Tent In The Greek Camp
  34. Scene 5: Cells, Troy
  35. Scene 6: Agamemnon's Tent
  36. Scene 7: Cells, Troy
  37. Scene 8: Troy
  38. Scene 9: Plain Of Troy (Night)
  39. Scene 10: Cells, Troy
  40. Scene 11: Inside The Horse (Night)
  41. Scene 12: Plain Of Troy (Night)
  42. Scene 13: Cells, Troy
  43. Scene 14: Inside The Horse
  44. Scene 15: Inside The Palace
  45. Episode Four: Horse Of Destruction
  46. Opening Titles
  47. Scene 1: Inside The Palace
  48. Scene 2: Main Square Of Troy (Episode Titles)
  49. Scene 3: Inside The Palace
  50. Scene 4: Cells, Troy
  51. Scene 5: Inside The Horse
  52. Scene 6: Palace Balcony
  53. Scene 7: Main Square Of Troy
  54. Scene 8: Main Square Of Troy
  55. Scene 9: Inside The Horse
  56. Scene 10: Inside The Palace
  57. Scene 11: Main Square Of Troy (Night)
  58. Scene 12: Plain Of Troy
  59. Scene 13: Main Square Of Troy (Night)
  60. Scene 14: Inside The Palace
  61. Scene 15: A Temple, Outside The Tardis
  62. Scene 16: Elsewhere In The Temple
  63. Scene 17: Inside The Palace
  64. Scene 18: A Temple, Outside The Tardis
  65. Scene 19: Outside The City Walls Of Troy
  66. Scene 20: Tardis Interior
  67. The Massacre
  68. Episode One: War Of God
  69. Opening Titles
  70. Scene 1: Rue De Bethisy
  71. Scene 2: Inside The Tavern
  72. Scene 3: Preslin's Shop
  73. Scene 4: Inside The Tavern
  74. Scene 5: Paris Street
  75. Scene 6: Outside The Tavern
  76. Scene 7: Inside The Tavern
  77. Scene 8: Preslin's Shop
  78. Scene 9: Inside The Tavern
  79. Scene 10: The Abbot Of Amboise's Apartments
  80. Scene 11: Inside The Tavern
  81. Scene 12: Preslin's Shop
  82. Scene 13: Inside The Tavern
  83. Scene 14: The Abbot Of Amboise's Apartments
  84. Episode Two: The Sea Beggar
  85. Opening Titles
  86. Scene 1: Room In The House Of De Coligny
  87. Scene 2: Outside The Tavern
  88. Scene 3: Room In The House Of De Coligny
  89. Scene 4: The Louvre
  90. Scene 5: Outside Preslin's Shop
  91. Scene 6: The Abbot Of Amboise's Apartments
  92. Scene 7: Room In The House Of De Coligny
  93. Scene 8: Outside The Abbot Of Amboise's Apartments
  94. Scene 9: Inside The Abbot Of Amboise's Apartments
  95. Scene 10: Room In The House Of De Coligny
  96. Scene 11: Paris Streets
  97. Scene : Room In The House Of De Coligny
  98. Episode Three: Priest Of Death
  99. Opening Titles
  100. Scene 1: Preslin's Shop
  101. Scene 2: Council Chamber At The Louvre
  102. Scene 3: Preslin's Shop
  103. Scene 4: Council Chamber At The Louvre
  104. Scene 5: The Abbot Of Amboise's Apartments
  105. Scene 5A: Outside The Door...
  106. Scene 5 (Continued)
  107. Scene 6: Nicholas's Rooms At The House Of De Coligny
  108. Scene 7: Rue Des Fosse St Germain
  109. Scene 8: The Abbot Of Amboise's Apartments
  110. Scene 9: Council Chamber At The Louvre
  111. Scene 10: Nicholas's Room In The House Of De Coligny
  112. Scene 11: Council Chamber At The Louvre
  113. Scene 12: Paris Street
  114. Episode Four: Bell Of Doom
  115. Opening Titles
  116. Scene 1: Preslin's Shop
  117. Scene 2: Marshall Tavanne's Study
  118. Scene 3: Preslin's Shop
  119. Scene 4: Nicholas's Room At The House Of De Coligny
  120. Scene 5: Preslin's Shop
  121. Scene 6: Tavanne's Study
  122. Scene 7: Cul De Sac Outside De Coligny's House
  123. Scene 8: Inside The Tardis
  124. Scene 9: Road Beside Wimbledon Common
  125. Scene 10: Inside The Tardis
  126. The Highlanders
  127. Episode One
  128. Opening Titles
  129. Scene 1: Moorlands (Day)
  130. Scene 2: Moorlands (Day)
  131. Scene 3: Ruined Cottage (Interior)
  132. Scene 4: Moorlands Near The Cottage
  133. Scene 5: Ruined Cottage Interior (Day)
  134. Scene 6: Moorlands (Day)
  135. Scenes 7-9: Ruined Cottage Interior & Exterior (Day)
  136. Scene 10: Moorlands (Day)
  137. Scenes 11-17: Moorlands & Exterior Ruined Cottage (Day)
  138. Scene 18: Ruined Cottage Exterior (Day)
  139. Scene 19: A Cave (Day)
  140. Scene 20: Moor Path (Twilight)
  141. Episode Two
  142. Opening Titles
  143. Scene 1: In The Animal Pit (Night)
  144. Scene 2: Pit Exterior (Night)
  145. Scene 3: In The Pit (Night)
  146. Scene 4: Pit Exterior (Night)
  147. Scene 5: In The Pit (Night)
  148. Scene 6: Inverness Jail (Night)
  149. Scene 7: In The Pit (Night)
  150. Scene 8: The Sea Eagle (Interior) (Night)
  151. Scene 9: In The Pit (Night)
  152. Scene 10: The Sea Eagle (Interior) (Night)
  153. Scene 11: The Scullery At The Sea Eagle (Night)
  154. Scene 12: Inverness Jail (Night)
  155. Scene 13: Interior Corridor, The Sea Eagle (Night)
  156. Scene 14: Interior Room, The Sea Eagle (Night)
  157. Scene 15: Rowing Boat (Night)
  158. Scene 16: Interior Room, The Sea Eagle (Night)
  159. Scene 17: Rowing Boat Alongside The Annabelle (Night)
  160. Episode Three
  161. Opening Titles
  162. Scene 1: Rowing Boat Alongside The Annabelle (Night)
  163. Scene 2: The Hold Aboard The Annabelle
  164. Scene 3: Barn Interior (Day)
  165. Scene 4: The Sea Eagle (Interior) (Day)
  166. Scene 5: The Sea Eagle (Exterior) (Day)
  167. Scene 6: The Sea Eagle (Interior) (Day)
  168. Scene 7: Aboard The Annabelle (Day)
  169. Scene 8: The Sea Eagle (Interior) (Day)
  170. Scene 9: Barn Exterior (Day)
  171. Scene 10: Barn Interior (Day)
  172. Scene 11: Rowing Boat (Night)
  173. Scene 12: Barn Interior (Night)
  174. Scene 13: The Annabelle (Night)
  175. Episode Four
  176. Opening Titles
  177. Scene 1: The Annabelle (Night)
  178. Scene 2: In The Water By The Annabelle (Night)
  179. Scene 3: A Jetty (Night)
  180. Scene 4: A Cabin Aboard The Annabelle (Night)
  181. Scene 5: Barn Interior (Night)
  182. Scene 6: The Hold Aboard The Annabelle (Night)
  183. Scene 7: A Cabin Aboard The Annabelle (Night)
  184. Scene 8: A Rowing Boat (Night)
  185. Scene 9: The Hold Aboard The Annabelle (Night)
  186. Scene 10: A Cabin Aboard The Annabelle (Night)
  187. Scene 11: The Hold Aboard The Annabelle (Night)
  188. Scene 12: On Deck Aboard The Annabelle (Night)
  189. Scene 13: A Jetty (Night)
  190. Scene 14: Boathouse Interior (Night)
  191. Scene 15-18: Boathouse (Exterior & Interior), Night
  192. Scene 19: The Sea Eagle (Exterioe) (Night)
  193. Scene 20: Ruined Cottage Interior (Night)
  194. Scene 21: Exterior Tardis (Night)