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The Mikado (Complete) And Iolanthe (Highlights)

By Gilbert & Sullivan


  1. The Mikado
  2. Act I
  3. Overture
  4. If You Want To Know Who We Are
  5. Gentlemen I Pray You Tell Me
  6. A Wand'ring Minstrel
  7. Our Great Mikado, Virtuous Man
  8. Young Man, Despair, Likewise Go To
  9. And I Have Journey'd For A Month
  10. Behold The Lord High Executioner
  11. As Some Day It May Happen
  12. Comes A Train Of Little Ladies
  13. Three Little Maids From School
  14. So Please You, Sir, We Much Regret
  15. Were You Not To Ko-Ko Plighted
  16. I Am So Proud
  17. With Aspect Stern, And Gloomy Stride
  18. Your Revels Cease!
  19. Act II
  20. Braid The Raven Hair
  21. The Sun, Whose Rays Are All Ablaze
  22. Brightly Dawns Our Wedding Day
  23. Here's A How-De-Do! If I Marry You
  24. Mi-Ya-Sa-Ma, Mi-Ya-Sa-Ma
  25. A More Humane Mikado Never Did In Japan Exist
  26. The Criminal Cried, As He Dropped Down
  27. See How The Fates Their Gifts Allot
  28. The Flowers That Bloom In The Spring
  29. Alone And Yet Alive!
  30. Hearts Do Not Break!
  31. On A Tree By A River, A Little Tom-Tit Sand Willow, Tit Willow
  32. There Is Beauty In The Bellow Of The Blast
  33. For He's Gone And Married Yum-Yum
  34. Iolantha (Highlights)
  35. Act I
  36. Overture
  37. None Shall Part Us
  38. Entrance And March Of The Peers - Loudly Let The Trumpet Bray
  39. Nay Tempt Me Not To Wealth I'll Not Be Bound, In Lowly Cot Is Virtue Found
  40. Spurn Not The Nobly Born
  41. When I Went To The Bar As A Very Young Man
  42. When Next Your Houses Do Assemble
  43. Act II
  44. When All Night Long A Chap Remains
  45. Strephon's A Member Of Parliament
  46. When Britain Really Ruled The Waves
  47. A Foolish Fay
  48. Love, Unrequited Robs Me Of My Rest
  49. When You're Lying Awake With A Dismal Headache
  50. He Who Shies At Such A Prize
  51. If We're Weak Enough To Tarry
  52. My Lord - A Suppliant At Your Feet
  53. He Loves If In The Bygone Years
  54. It May Not Be - For So The Fates Decide
  55. Soon As We May