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The Tribulations Of A Chinaman In China

By Jules Verne (3)


  1. In Which The Peculiarities And Nationality Of The Personages Are Gradually Revealed
  2. In Which Kin-Fo And The Philosopher Are More Fully Described
  3. In Which The Reader, Without Fatigue, Can Glance Over The City Of Shang-hai
  4. In Which Kin-Fo Receives An Important Letter, Which Is Eight Days Behind Time
  5. In Which Le-ou Receives A Letter Which She Would Rather Not Have Received
  6. Which Will, Perhaps, Make The Reader Desire To Visit The Offices Of The Centenary
  7. Which Would Be Very Sad If It Did Not Treat Of Ways And Customs Peculiar To The Celestial Empire
  8. In Which Kin-Fo Makes A Serious Proposition To Wang, Which The Latter No Less Seriously Accepts
  9. The Conclusion Of Which, However Singular It May Be, Perhaps Will Not Surprise The Reader
  10. In Which Craig And Fry Are Officially Presented To The New Patron Of The Centenary
  11. In Which Kin-Fo Becomes The Most Celebrated Man In The Central Empire
  12. In Which Kin-Fo, His Two Acolytes, And His Valet Start On An Adventure
  13. In Which Is Heard The Celebrated Lament Called The Five Periods In The Life Of A Centenarian
  14. In Which The Visitor, Without Fatigue, Can Travel Through Four Cities By Visiting Only One
  15. Which Certainly Contains A Surprise For Kin-Fo, And Perhaps For The Reader
  16. In Which Kin-Fo, Who Is Still A Bachelor, Begins To Travel Again In Earnest
  17. In Which Kin-Fo's Market Value Is Once More Uncertain
  18. In Which Craig And Fry, Urged By Curiosity, Visit The Hold Of The Sam-Yep
  19. Which Does Not Finish Well, Either For Capt. Yin, The Commander Of The Sam-Yep, Or For Her Crew
  20. In Which It Will Be Seen To What Dangers Men Are Exposed Who Use Capt. Boyton's Nautical Apparatus
  21. In Which Craig And Fry See The Moon Rise With Extreme Satisfaction
  22. Which The Reader Might Have Written Himself, It Ends In So Surprising A Way