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History Will Repeat Itself

By Auschwitz Symphony Orchestra


  1. Sonderbehandlung
  2. Intro
  3. Raped By The State
  4. UESR (Union Of European Socialist Republics)
  5. Global Warming Is A Hoax
  6. Propaganda War
  7. Ban GM Food
  8. M.E.D.I.A.
  9. Burn Hollywood Burn
  10. United States Of Israel
  11. Vatican Death Cult
  12. Jerusalem Slime
  13. Abolish The State Of Israel
  14. The Holocaust Never Happened
  15. Psychic War
  16. Invasion Of The Body Snatchers
  17. Pain
  18. Ban MSG And Aspartame
  19. Internet Is The Big Brother
  20. Cellphone Radiation Causes Brain Tumours
  21. European Union Is A Jewish Conspiracy
  22. Eurocracy
  23. TGPS (Totalitarian Global Positioning System)
  24. 9/11 Was An Inside Job
  25. They Fired A Missile Into Pentagon And Say It Was The Terrorists
  26. I.S.R.A.E.L.
  27. Haarp
  28. Greed
  29. Globalist Motherfucker
  30. Debt Trap
  31. Banker Disappears
  32. CIA (Cocaine Import Agency)
  33. Prison Guard,The Lowest Form Of Life
  34. The Only Good Cop Is A Dead One
  35. Paskalakki
  36. Fuck The European Union
  37. Thou Shall Go Fuck Yourself
  38. 13 Years Of Torture
  39. ZOG Of Finland
  40. Parasite In My Penis
  41. Under Surveillance
  42. Eurogulags
  43. The Ballad Of Nikolai Bobrikov
  44. Political Theatre
  45. Vastuunkantaja
  46. Urpilaisen Vakuudet
  47. Ölähtelevä Vasikka
  48. Zionist Motherfucker
  49. Hatereligion
  50. J€wro
  51. Abolish The J€wropean Union
  52. Zionists Orchestrated Islam Is The Cancer Of Europe
  53. Muslim Motherfucker
  54. People Without A Country
  55. Take Your Multiculturalism And Shove It Up Your Ass
  56. Forced Immigration Is Th05e Destruction Of The White Race
  57. Somalis Get Out Of Finland
  58. A Malicious Plan To Lead The Nations Into Jew World Order By Means Of Global Recession, Indebtedness, Multiculturalism, And Destruction Of Sovereignties, Cultures, Heritages And Races
  59. Talmudistic Bioweapon
  60. I Hate New York City
  61. Pedophile Rabbi
  62. Chabad Lubavitch Cease To Exist
  63. The Ballad Of Vladimir Lenin
  64. Jacob Schiff, Financer Of The Bolshevik Murderers
  65. Austria And Germany Must Unite Once Again
  66. B`nai B`rith, The Global Voice Of Terrorism
  67. Justice For Rudolf Hess
  68. Dresden Holocaust 1945
  69. The Morgenthau Plan
  70. Holodomor
  71. Auschwitz Symphony Orchestra
  72. The Ballad Of Joseph Stalin
  73. Der Ewige Jude
  74. Holocaust Survivor Syndrome
  75. From Bolshevist Communism To Globalist Capitalism
  76. The Ballad Of Leon Trotsky
  77. Liar Ilya Ehrenburg
  78. Mass Murderer Genrikh Yagoda
  79. Mass Murderer Lazar Kaganovich
  80. The 1917 Hijacking Of Russia By The Bolshevist Jews
  81. Thoughtcrime
  82. National Socialist Order
  83. Intro
  84. War Is Good Business (For The Jewish Banks)
  85. Debt Slavery
  86. Burn Brussels
  87. Jews Behind The Curtain
  88. The Myth Of The 6 Million
  89. Burn Tel Aviv
  90. Judge, Jury And Executioner
  91. NATO Fuck Off
  92. The Fourth Reich
  93. Niggers Out
  94. White Man, Wake Up And Fight!
  95. Xenophobia, Racism And Pogroms
  96. Defending The Reich
  97. 88 Rock N Roll Band
  98. Recorded In 2015
  99. Hang The Nigger
  100. Must Be Ready
  101. Rotat
  102. Orgasmatron