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Discogs Explorer

The Nonesuch Guide To Electronic Music

By Beaver & Krause


  1. I. Peace Three
  2. II. Signal Generators
  3. A. Sine Waveform
  4. 1. Slow-Motion Audible Example
  5. 2. Composition
  6. 3. Harmonic Synthesis
  7. 4. Non-Harmonic Synthesis
  8. B. Sawtooth Waveform
  9. 1. Slow-Motion (Negative- And Positive-Going)
  10. 2. Composition
  11. C. Rectangular Waveform
  12. 1. Slow-Motion Audible Example (1/8-1/2)
  13. 2. Composition (Using 1/8, 1/7, 1/3, 1/2)
  14. D. Triangular Waveform
  15. 1. Slow-Motion Audible Example
  16. 2. Composition
  17. -
  18. E. White Sound Composition
  19. III. Control Generators
  20. A. Transient Generator, Amplitude, Frequency And Timbre Modulating In Slow-Motion
  21. B. Sequential Voltage Sources. Composition
  22. IV. Frequency Modulation
  23. A. Keyboard Control
  24. 1. 12-Tone
  25. 2. Quarter-Tone (One Real Octave = 2 Keyboard Octaves)
  26. 3. Ditone (Four Real Octaves Played In Keyboard Range Of One Octave)
  27. 4. Portamento
  28. -
  29. B. Ribbon Control
  30. C. Periodic
  31. 1. Vibrato Ⓢ (Speed Increases As Pitch rises)
  32. 2. Sine-Higher Frequency
  33. 3. Sawtooth-Swept
  34. 4. Rectangular 1/2-Swept L2
  35. 5. Triangular-Swept
  36. D. Periodics Combined
  37. 1. 3 Square Waves At Different Frequencies
  38. 2. 3 Triangular Waves At Different Frequencies
  39. 4 Different Waveforms 2L 2N 2V 2S At Different Frequencies
  40. -
  41. E. White Sound
  42. F. Transient
  43. 1. Up An Octave, Back To Pitch
  44. 2. Up A 3rd, Back To Pitch
  45. 3. Down An Octave, Back To Pitch
  46. 4. Down A 3rd, Back To Pitch
  47. V. Amplitude Modulation
  48. A. Keyboard
  49. B. Ribbon Controller
  50. C. Periodic
  51. 1. Tremolo
  52. 2. Sine-Higher Frequencies (S Sweeping S)
  53. 3. Sawtooth (Negative- And Positive-Going Swept)
  54. 4. Rectangular-L2 Swept
  55. 5. Triangular-Swept
  56. D. Periodics Combined
  57. 1. 4 Square
  58. 2. 3 Triangular
  59. 3. 4 Different Ⓢ, Ⓝ, 2L, Ⓥ
  60. -
  61. E. White Sound
  62. F. Transient
  63. 1. Slow
  64. 2. With Rising Pitch
  65. 3. ∧∧∧∧∧
  66. VI. Ring Modulation
  67. A. Sine Waves
  68. 1. Series Of Sub-Audible Constants
  69. 2. Tune In Parallel
  70. 3. Tuned In Opposite Direction
  71. -
  72. B. Sawtooth
  73. C. Rectangular L2
  74. VII. Filtering
  75. A. White Sound - With Fixed Filters Selected 3rd Octave
  76. B. White-Sound-Tuned Filters
  77. 1. Broad
  78. 2. Sharp
  79. -
  80. C. Low-Frequency Sawtooth-Tuning Through Harmonics
  81. D. Composition-Tuning Through 2nd, 3rd, 7th And 16th Harmonics
  82. E. Swept With Ribbon Controller
  83. F. Periodic
  84. 1. Sine-Timbre Vibrato Effect
  85. 2. Sine-Variable Rate And Depth
  86. 3. Sawtooth (Descending And Ascending)
  87. 4. Rectangular
  88. G. Transient (Sawtooth With Transient Controlled Filter)
  89. 1. -----------------
  90. 2. -----------------
  91. 3. ------------------
  92. 4. ------------------
  93. VIII. Tape Delay
  94. A. Single Repeat
  95. B. Multiple Repeat
  96. -
  97. IX. Peace Three (Recap)