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The John Adams Earbox

By John Adams


  1. Harmonium
  2. Negative Love
  3. Because I Could Not Stop For Death
  4. Wild Nights
  5. Shaker Loops
  6. Shaking And Trembling
  7. Hymning Slews
  8. Loops And Verses
  9. A Final Shaking
  10. The Chairman Dances
  11. Foxtrot For Orchestra
  12. Grand Pianola Music
  13. First Movement
  14. Second Movement
  15. Third Movement: On The Dominant Divide
  16. Fearful Symmetries
  17. Fearful Symmetries
  18. Nixon In China
  19. Act I
  20. Scene I
  21. Opening
  22. "Soldiers Of Heaven Hold The Sky"
  23. "The People Are The Heroes Now"
  24. Landing Of The Spirit Of '76
  25. "Your Flight Was Smooth, I Hope?"
  26. "News Has A Kind Of Mystery"
  27. Scene 3
  28. "Ladies And Gentlemen, Comrades And Friends"
  29. "Mr. Premier, Distinguished Guests,"
  30. Cheers
  31. Act II
  32. Scene I
  33. "This Is Prophetic!"
  34. Scene 2
  35. Opening
  36. "Oh What A Day / I Thought I'd Die!"
  37. "Whip Her To Death!"
  38. "I Am The Wife Of Mao Tse-Tung"
  39. Act III
  40. "Let Us Examine What You Did."
  41. "When I Woke Up"
  42. "I Have No Offspring."
  43. "I Can Keep Still,"
  44. "After That - / The Sweat / Had Soaked My Uniform"
  45. "Peking Watches The Stars,"
  46. "You Won At Poker."
  47. "I Am Old And I Cannot Sleep"
  48. The Wound-Dresser
  49. The Wound-Dresser
  50. Christian Zeal And Activity
  51. Christian Zeal And Activity
  52. Five Songs
  53. Thoreau
  54. Down East
  55. Cradle Song
  56. At The River
  57. Serenity
  58. Eros Piano
  59. Eros Piano
  60. The Death Of Klinghoffer
  61. Prologue
  62. Chorus Of The Exiled Palestinians
  63. Chorus Of The Exiled Jews
  64. Act I
  65. Scene I
  66. "It Was Just After 1:15"
  67. "My Grandson Didi, Who Was Two"
  68. "Give These Orders"
  69. "So I Said To My Grandson"
  70. "We Are Sorry For You"
  71. Night Chorus
  72. Act II
  73. Chorus Of Hagar And The Angel
  74. Scene I
  75. "I've Never Been A Violent Man"
  76. "You Are Always Complaining Of Your Suffering"
  77. Scene 2
  78. Aria Of The Falling Body (Gymnopédie)
  79. Day Chorus
  80. Two Fanfares For Orchestra
  81. Tromba Lontana
  82. Short Ride In A Fast Machine
  83. Common Tones In Simple Time
  84. Common Tones In Simple Time
  85. El Dorado
  86. Part I. A Dream Of Gold
  87. Part II. Soledades
  88. Harmonielehre
  89. Part I
  90. Part II. The Anfortas Wound
  91. Part III. Meister Eckhardt And Quackie
  92. Violin Concerto
  93. Part I.
  94. Part II. Chaconne: "Body Through Which The Dream Flows"
  95. Part III. Toccare
  96. Chamber Symphony
  97. Mongrel Airs
  98. Aria With Walking Bass
  99. Roadrunner
  100. Hoodoo Zephyr
  101. Tundra
  102. Disappointment Lake
  103. Hoodoo Zephyr
  104. Gnarly Buttons
  105. The Perilous Shore
  106. Hoe-Down (Mad Cow)
  107. Put Your Loving Arms Around Me
  108. I Was Looking At The Ceiling And Then I Saw The Sky
  109. Act I
  110. Ensemble - I Was Looking At The Ceiling And Then I Saw The Sky
  111. A Sermon On Romance
  112. Consuelo's Dream
  113. Mike's Song About Arresting A Particular Individuel
  114. Tiffany's Solo
  115. Song About On-Site Altercation
  116. Song About The Bad Boys And The News
  117. Your Honor My Client He's A Young Black Man
  118. Leila's Song: Alone (Again Or At Last)
  119. Act II
  120. Three Weeks And Still I'm Outta My Mind
  121. Crushed By The Rock I Been Standing On
  122. Dewain's Song Of Liberation And Surprise
  123. ¡Este País!/This Country!
  124. One Last Look At The Angel In Your Eyes
  125. Finale
  126. Lollapalooza
  127. Lollapalooza
  128. John's Book Of Alleged Dances
  129. Judah To Ocean
  130. Toot Nipple
  131. Dogjam
  132. Pavane: She's So Fine
  133. Rag The Bone
  134. Habanera
  135. Stubble Crotchet
  136. Hammer & Chisel
  137. Alligator Escalator
  138. Ständchen: The Little Serenade
  139. Judah To Ocean (Reprise)
  140. Slonimsky's Earbox
  141. Slonimsky's Earbox