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The Subtle Knife

By Philip Pullman


  1. The Subtle Knife By Philip Pullman...
  2. We Need One Of Those Chains On The Door
  3. What's Wrong With That Patch Of Grass, Girl?
  4. Is There Any Food In The Kitchen?
  5. There's A Launch Trying To Come Alongside A Ship At Anchor
  6. Suddenly, Serafina Pekkala Becomes Visible
  7. Sister, Let The Council Begin
  8. Hey! You From Here?
  9. You Hurt? Banged Me Leg
  10. The Man Whose Skull This Is
  11. Come In. Who Are You? I'm Lyra Silvertongue
  12. It's All Right, Pan, We're Safe
  13. Well, There Was A Big To-Do At The Time
  14. Why Are You Hurting His Cat?
  15. What Happened To Him? He Got Mixed Up In The Skraeling Wars
  16. Ruta Skadi Soars Upward
  17. What Do You Think These Gold Figures Are On The Towers?
  18. Pull Up On The Right, Could You, Alan?
  19. Oh, We've Got These Bell Pulls In My World
  20. He's Talking To Himself
  21. Mr Paradisi, Can You Heal Him?
  22. Will Has Been Touched By Lyra's Soul
  23. There's No Lights On In The House
  24. Now, Tell Me About Your Strange Bodyguard, Marisa
  25. At The Mouth Of The Yenisei River, Lee Scoresby Puts...
  26. I Was Intrigued By The World Where Spectres Fed On...
  27. I Think Spectres Eat People's Daemons
  28. You're About To Submit A Funding Application
  29. Ask A Question. Oh, I, Yes. Are You What We Call...?
  30. The Witches Have Flown Will And Lyra To Safety
  31. I Left Lord Asriel's Fortress Flying Invisible
  32. This Journey Is The Greatest Wisdom I Know
  33. It's Us Against The Bad Guys, Hester
  34. Now, Charles, Tell Me Why You're Pursuing The Boy
  35. Will Makes His Way Up To A Small Plateau
  36. You Killed Him. Why Did You Do That
  37. Closing Announcement