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By Georg Friedrich Händel, Carolyn Sampson, Susan Gritton, Sarah Connolly, Mark Padmore, David Wilson-Johnson, RIAS-Kammerchor, Akademie Für Alte Musik Berlin, and Daniel Reuss


  1. Act One
  2. No.1 Overture
  3. Scene 1
  4. No.2 Chorus Of Priests Your Harps And Cymbals Sound
  5. No.3 Air. Levite Praise Ye The Lord For All His Mercies Past
  6. No.4 Chorus Of Priests With Pious Heart, And Holy Tongue
  7. No.5 Accompagnato. Solomon Almighty Pow'r
  8. No.6 Recitative. Zadok Imperial Solomon
  9. No.7 Air. Zadok Sacred Raptures Cheer My Breast
  10. No.8 Chorus Of Israelites Throughout The Land Jehovah's Praise Record
  11. No.9 Recitative. Solomon Bless'd Be The Lord
  12. No.10 Air. Solomon What Though I Trace Each Herb And Flow'r
  13. Scene 2
  14. No.11 Recitative. Solomon And See My Queen, My Wedded Love
  15. No.12 Air. Queen Bless'd The Day When First My Eyes
  16. No.13 Recitative. Solomon, Queen Thou Fair Inhabitant Of Nile
  17. No.14 Duet. Queen, SolomonWelcome As The Dawn Of The Day
  18. No.17 Recitative. Solomon My Blooming Fair
  19. No.18 Air. Solomon Haste, Haste To Cedar Grove
  20. No.19 Recitative. Queen When Thou Art Absent From My Sight
  21. No.20 Air. Queen With Thee Th'Unshelter'd Morr I'd Tread
  22. No.21 Recitative. Zadok Search Round The World
  23. No.22 Chorus May No Rash Intruder Disturb Their Soft Hours
  24. Act Two
  25. Scene 1
  26. No.23 Chorus Of Israelites From The Censer Curling Rise
  27. No.24 Recitative. Solomon Prais'd Be The Lord
  28. No.25 Air. Solomon When The Sun O'er Yonder Hills
  29. No.26 Recitative. Levite Great Prince, Thy Resolution's Just
  30. No.27 Air. Levite Thrice Bless'd That Wise Discerning King
  31. Scene 2
  32. No.28 Recitative. Attendant, Solomon My Sovereign Liege
  33. Scene 3
  34. First Harlot Thou Son Of David, Hear A Mother's Grief
  35. No.29 Trio. Solomon, Two Harlots Words Are Weak To Paint My Fears
  36. No.30 Recitative. Solomon, 2n Harlot What Says The Other To Th'Imputed Charge?
  37. No.31 Air. Second Harlot Thy Sentence, Great King
  38. No.32 Recitative. First Harlot Whithhold, Whittold The Executing Hand
  39. No.33 Air. First Harlot Can I See My Enfant Gor'd
  40. No.34 Accompagnato. Solomon Israel, Attend To What Your King Shall Say
  41. No.35 Duet. First Harlot, Solomon Thrice Bless'd The King
  42. No.36 Chorus Of Israelites From The East Unto The West
  43. No.37 Recitative. Zadok From Morn To Eve I Could Enraptur'd Sing
  44. No.38 Air. Zadok See The Tall Palm That Lifts The Head
  45. No.39 Recitative. First Harlot No More Shall Armed Bands Our Hopes Destroy
  46. No.40 Air. First Harlot Beneath The Vine, Or Fig-Tree's Shade
  47. No.41 Chorus Of Priests Swell, Swell The Full Chorus To Solomon's Praise
  48. Act Three
  49. No.42 Symphony: Arrival Of The Queen Of Sheba
  50. No.43 Recitative. Queen Of Sheba, Solomon From Arabia Spicy Shores
  51. No.44 Air. Queen Of Sheba Ev'ry Sight These Eyes Behold
  52. No.45 Recitative. Solomon Sweep, Sweep The String
  53. No.46 Solo. Solomon And Israelites Music, Spread Thy Voice Around
  54. No.47 Solo. Solomon And Israelites Now A Diff'rent Measure Try
  55. No.48 Recitative. Solomon Then At Once From Rage Remove
  56. No.49 Chorus Of Israelites Draw The Tear From Hopeless Love
  57. No.50 Recitative. Solomon Next The Tortur'd Soul Release
  58. No.51 Solo. Solomon And Israelites Thus Rolling Surges Rise
  59. No.52 Recitative. Queen Of Sheba Thy Harmony's Divine, Great King
  60. No.53 Recitative. Zadok Thrice Happy King, To Have Achiev'd
  61. No.54 Air. Zadok Golden Columns, Fair And Bright
  62. No.55 Recitative. Solomon Gold Now Is Common On Our Happy Shore
  63. No.56 Air. Solomon How Green Our Fertile Pastures Look
  64. No.57 Recitative. Queen Of Sheba May Peace In Salem Ever Dwell!
  65. No.58 Air. Queen Of Sheba Will The Sun Forget To Streak
  66. No.59 Recitative. Solomon Adieu, Fair Queen, And In Thy Breast
  67. No.60 Duet. Queen Of Sheba, Solomon Ev'ry Joy That Wisdom Knows
  68. No.61 Double Chorus Praise The Lord With Harp And Tongue!