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Capella Savaria

The earliest period-instrument chamber orchestra of Hungary, specialized in playing baroque and classical music in an authentic way by relying on genuine documents of the period. Founded in 1981, in Szombathely, Hungary. Capella Savaria are a Hungarian ensemble specialized in playing baroque and classical music on original instruments (and instruments based on original designs). Established in 1981, in Szombathely, Hungary they most often perform music from the 17th and 18th centuries, and have performed across Europe, as well as making a number of recordings, and in 1991, they received the Liszt Prize. Their current artistic director is Mr Zsolt Kalló.

Members: Gergely Balázs, Edward H. Tarr, Peter Lissauer, Janos Sandor, Jaap Schröder, Éva Posvanecz, Paolo Tognon, István Balázs, László Dabasi, Pál Németh, Cseperke Falvay, György Bognár, Marie Wolf, Martina Lesná, Mária Zádori, Mary Térey-Smith, Zsolt Kalló, Laszlo Borsody, Mauro Lopes Ferreira, David Bowles (2), Sándor Nagy, Imre Mohl, István Szabó, Katharina Spreckelsen, David Tayler, Rita Papp, György Tarnai, Dario Luisi, Judit Orosz, Jörg Zwicker, Zsuzsanna Tamás, János Császár, György Janzsó, Márton Brandisz, Emőke Szép, István Kertész (2), Balázs Bozzai, Tamás Szekendi, Imre Simkó, Beáta Szőke, Csilla Vályi, László Feriencsik, Ágnes Pálkövi, Gábor Rác, Andrea Bertalan, Gábor Prehoffer, Zsuzsa Tamas, Balázs Boglárka, Rózsa Csorba, Mihály Szili, Péter Király, Völgyi Attila, Marek Niewiedział, Krzysztof Stencel, Dániel Palkövi, Eszter Vincze, László Hotzi, Tomáš Kardoš, and Bettina Simon (2)


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