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Ensemble Claudiana

The formation of the Austrian Ensenble Claudiana in 2008 was closely linked to the project of performing the complete cantatas of Bach at the Vienna Konzerthaus (Bach-Kantaten Abonnement-Zyklus at Wiener Konzerthaus), a musical marathon that will end in 2020. It is a flexibly sized ensemble featuring some of the finest European specialists in period instruments. Its director, the lutenist [a=Luca Pianca]

Members: Marco Frezzato, Margreth Köll, Luca Pianca, Elena Davydova, Riccardo Minasi, Luca Marini, Giancarlo De Frenza, Andrea Inghisciano, Jeremy Joseph (3), Ciro Aroni, Alessandro Ravasio (2), and Teo Aroni
