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Любовь Кузьмичева

Lyubov Kuzmicheva (1937-2014) was a Russian singer of folk and pop songs. Her maiden name Екименко - Ekimenko (up to 1961) - [a=Любовь Екименко] Her first married name was Аверкина - Averkina (from 1961 to 1967) - [a=Л. Аверкина] Soloist of the Pyatnitsky State Russian Folk Choir (from 1955 to 1965) - [a1389784] Soloist of the Academic Choir of Russian Song of the All-Union Radio and Central Television, directed by Nikolai Kutuzov (from 1965 to 1998) - [a1064555] Member of the Ryabinushka trio (from 1970 to 1977) - [a2105377]
