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Toña Granado

Toña Granado, (Antonieta Granado), was born in the city of Caracas, Venezuela. She was born into a family that loves music. Since she was a little girl she astonished her music teachers by the tone of her voice, so she became part of the school choir. Her father was a pianist and composer, and her mother She taught the secrets of the guitar when she was little. Later, he joined the chorus of the Applied Lyceum, being directed by the teacher Inocente Carreño. In his higher education, Toña, becomes a part of the Choir of the Andrés Bello Catholic University, being directed by the teacher Gonzalo Castellanos. He began singing in charity shows, but the reality of his voice led him to continue in the world of song, during the day he sold books and at night he played songs in nightclubs. Until, after his participation in the Ronda Award, in a tribute to Don Armando Manzanero came the proposal of the master composer to record an album "I have not stolen anything" was called the album.
