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FVG Mitteleuropa Orchestra

The Mitteleuropa Orchestra, which has its roots in the musical tradition of the area of central and southern Europe, is the product of many decades of orchestral experience. In the early 2000s it found its institutional place thanks to the intervention of the Regional Administration of Friuli Venezia Giulia, and the support of the Municipalities and Provinces of the Region. It currently boasts 47 permanent orchestra members and a solid autonomous organisation; its headquarters are in Palmanova at the Loggia della Gran Guardia. Associazione Orchestra Regionale Del Friuli Venezia Giulia "Mitteleuropa Orchestra" Contrada Savorgnan 2 33057 PALMANOVA (UD) Contact: Sandro Sguazzin Tel : 39 337.1684623

Members: Andrea Musto, Paolo Mazzoleni, Marco Abbrescia, Emanuela Battigelli, Dario Braidotti, Črtomir Šiškovič, Valentina Mosca, Ingrid Shllaku, Margherita Cossio, Mara Grion, Francesca Bassan, Fosca Briante, Alessandra Rodaro, Annamaria Del Bianco, Giovanni Boscarato, Lisa Pizzamiglio, Anna Apollonio, Andrea Liani, Mauro Meroì, Marco Toso, Marco Cola, Enrico Cossio, Jana Kulichova, Anna Del Bon, Anna Moro, Davide Argentiero, Clementina Carluccio, Tiziano Cantoni, Andrea Martinella, Hanny Killaars, Lucia Premerl, Marina Zuliani, Furio Belli, Leopoldo Pesce, Elena Paroni, Luigi Calzavara, Nikolay Novikov (2), Ludovica Burtone, Barbara Tomasin, Laura Menegozzo, Chiara Antonutti, and Valentina Russo (2)
