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Ensemble 4'33"

Ensemble 4'33" is a popular fixture on Moscow's contemporary music scene formed by Alexei Aigui in 1994, taking the group's name from the famous, eccentric work by John Cage. Apart from Russia, the band also toured and played a lot in France.

Members: Alexei Aigui, Arkady Marto, Владимир Жарко, Nikolai L'govsky, Andrey Goncharov, Pavel Karmanov, Kirill Denisov, Sergei Nikolsky, Erkin Yusoupov, Andrei Romanika, Denis Kalinsky, Максим Иваненко, Олег Шунцов, Михаил Березницкий, Михаил Дубов, Ярослав Ковалев, Назар Кожухарь, Dmitry Chestnykh, Yulia Bederova, Андрей Раев, and Konstantin Kremnyov
