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Hoogovens Harmonie

Hoogovens is a Dutch steel factory (located in the province of Noord Holland in the municipality of Velsen) and gone from hand to hand and changed it's name several times, most notably Hoogovens, Corus and more recent Tata Steel. The company has a great social function in it's suroundings, amongst them are their own chess tounament in Wijk aan Zee (best known as 'het Hoogovensschaaktoernooi) and their own orchestra. Like the company, the orchestra changed it's name along with it. The orchestra is therefore known under different names, such as Hoogovens Harmonie (orkest) (1983-2000) and now Tata Steel Symfonisch Blaasorkest. Also sections of the orchestra operate more indepent such as the Swing Masters. Aliases include: Hoogovens Harmonie; Hoogovens Harmonie orkest; Tata Steel Orkest; Tata Steel Symfonisch Blaasorkest; Hoogovens Opleidingsorkest; Tata Steel Leerlingen Orkest; The Swing Masters
