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Государственный Академический Северный Русский Народный Хор

8th of March 1926, where the first public concert was held, is considered as the birthday of the Northern Choir. The Choir is based in Arkhangelsk, which is covering the northern region as indicated in their name. [a1713322] is the founder of the Choir and was the first Artistic Director of the Chorus. She was succeeded by [a1692147] in 1961, who was in charge until her in death in 2008.

Members: Галина Дёгтева, Сергей Чернобай, Антонина Колотилова, Галина Галаничева, Борис Туровник, Александр Носков (2), Валентин Лаптев, Лидия Никитина, Пелагея Пугачева, Любовь Ярина, and Людмила Макарова (3)


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