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Olympia, Washington, USA. This quintet of hard-jamming Olympians builds a shape-shifting pinnacle of sound, its pounding rhythmic core armored with hard riffs, cloaked in mind-bending swaths of colorful synths, and thoroughly striped with soaring, searing leads and knife-sharp vocals. From its vertex, one can see to the ends of the world - and beyond. Members: Dave Harvey, Sally Scardino, Rachel Carns, Abigail Ingram, Curtis James. Plus Joaquin de la Puente (live visuals) & Anthony Capadona (spiritual guidance).

Members: Chris Sutton (2), Rachel Carns, Eryn Ross, Kris Cunningham, Max Gorbman, Austin Cooper, Jonny Wulf, Abigail Ingram, Dave Harvey (10), Sarah Lynn (2), Josh Haynes, Yoffrey Rommellddorrff, Stephanie Cristol, Tanar Stalker, and Jon Quittner
