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Flair Ensemble

Because of the typical instrumental setting and the presence of the female singer, it is clear the Ensemble FLAIR has its roots in the Moravian folk tradition. Here in Moravia all members of Flair were born, here they live and from here they present their musical expression to the world. The musical language of FLAIR expresses a symbiosis between folk music and classical music. The fact there will be no changes in the musicians of FLAIR, will lead into a well-sounding and well-singing FLAIR. With a little of Leoš Janáček, Béla Bartók, the heritage of Carpathian folk musicians, the Gypsy music from Bucharest and Budapest and last but not least, compositions of Flair´s artistic leader, Jan Rokyta. After a succesfull start in the concert serie of Czech Radio Ostrava in November 2014, FLAIR won the prestigious 1st prize in the international EBU competition „GRAND PRIX OF SVETOZÁR STRAČINA 2015” for the arrangement and interpretation of the Moravian folk song “Ej, lásko, lásko”. Short after, FLAIR has recorded its first album „From the Springs to the Sea...” (Indies Happy Trails). Further in 2016, FLAIR took a prominent part on the profile CD of its solo-singer Klára Blažková, „In the Lap of Mountains Homeland” (Indies Happy Trails). This CD has got many positive reviews. In November 2016, Ensemble FLAIR took part on the International Music Festival MUSICA PURA in the cross-over interpretation of Moravian Folk Poetry in Songs together with the world-known Czech opera soprano Martina Janková and famous Czech pianist Ivo Kahánek (ČT art: Janková zpívá Janáčka). In 2017 and 2018 FLAIR staged a program of Lent and Easter songs, which was published in 2019 on the album "Music of Truth". In the same year, FLAIR played a key role in the profile album of the BLAženky "Prvý raz!" with folk melodies from Wallachia and Slovak folklore regions. In 2020, FLAIR participates in a Czech Television documentary about music, which was inspired by lyrics of Czech poets. It also participates in a radio recording of Moravian folk ballads and prepares for a "cross-over" program "Valašské sonety" together with the Janáček Chamber Orchestra with artistic director and violinist Jakub Černohorský. In September 2020, FLAIR´s second profile album will be released under the title "Drop to Drop". All albums in which FLAIR has participated since its inception were released by Indies Happy Trails. Ensemble FLAIR collaborates with leading Czech actors Alfred Strejček and Tomáš Jirman.
